That skilltree is indeed massive and hard to read. However, it's not the main issue of PoE. And, to be fair, each class has a starting point to build from as a suggestion for a starting point. And to be even more fair, you should just go to some site with meta builds and take something that sounds like your thing.
Why? Because things don't end at the skill tree, oh no no.
Then you have the gems, and the way they multiply and scale and bounce off the tree, other items, various buffs, time of the day, your positioning in the chair, your latency, planetary alignment and a few other minor variables.
There's a few programs and such to help you plan your character, but until you've had 3+ years of hands-on PoE experience, I would not recommend trying to deviate from build instructions even for the tiniest step. Because it might be that tiny step that separates your 1000000000000000000000 damage build from the 1000000 build, and fuck you for thinking you figured anything out.