I played this thing all day. I hadn't intended to, I lost track of the time. Despite that, I'm torn on it. It feels well made but completely soulless.
I didn't have any issues with crashing or anything like that, I eventually logged out after trying all the character classes because I have stuff I put off because I played so long, but I was also bored, which hasn't normally been an issue with Diablo games for me.
I did have issues with rubber banding, "invisible walls" when trying to leave town, etc. and running into far more people than I'd like even while just running around which sometimes led to MMO situations like a guy running around ahead of you killing everything so there's nothing for you, so I turn around and go another way only to see different people doing it that way, etc.
I expect that the net code issues will get cleaned up because it's one of the areas Blizzard tends to be very good at, along with their art and animation teams, but it's going to be super gay if you can't have some sort of option to limit the amount of dickbags you have roaming around your game.
The game mostly reminded me of Gauntlet but with cutscenes (you can skip them and conversations, for the most part, so that's good), since the loot felt meh, progression felt meh, stats felt pointless and RPG mechanics felt nil. There's no point to exploration that I found because although there are dungeons that have account unlocks for various classes (which is good), they're easy to find and once you're in there, there's no point in trying to fully explore unless you hit a dead end because everything level scales, all loot is randomized, leveling is pointless, etc. You basically just keep running in a line zapping stuff.
The good stuff is almost all on the presentation side of things. Art, voice acting, cinematics, etc. are all top notch, as you'd expect from Blizz.
Surprisingly, the level progression is nice in the sense that you can make meaningful build decisions early on and have a build start to come online early on as you fill out your first few skills.
Unsurprisingly, classes have become somewhat homogenized with everyone having a mish mash of ranged/melee and ST/AOE decisions to make and then you're done. Your gear are just stat sticks a la D3 and although you might be running around with a bunch of weapons, you don't actually use any of them unless you train the appropriate attack skill. Have a bow on your back? You'll never use it if you're a melee guy, even to plink. Respec to be a bow guy? Well, now your sword is basically a strangely placed belt buckle. I hate that shit.
Anyway, the game might be worth checking out on sale after the GOTYEY edition comes out with paladin and whatever other classes they're sitting on for expacks. 100+ bucks out of the gate? You have to be out of your mind.
Beyond that, they're also clearly advertising that there are going to be battle passes and shit like that on top of the AAA price of entry, and who knows what other ways they'll look to siphon your cash.
It's a wait and see from me, though that's a step up from my previous opinion of "fuck this game and company forever."