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Should I even bother downloading the beta? Anyone have any day one impressions?
Probably not worth it at this point. The queues are going to be insane for the public beta.
Should I even bother downloading the beta? Anyone have any day one impressions?
Difficulty is weird for 95% of the game you cut through enemies without any problems (one or rarely two shot) suddenly you come across a boss that for some reason hits 10x harder than everything else and stuns you every few seconds.Im a filthy causal, i play it on Veteran and game is still very easy, to the point i was playing it naked, just with stick to use skills, till i reach the mothers boss, which i cannot beat in her 3rd iteration. Seems like the vulnerability debuffs stuck on me and Im getting one shot. I was underlevel, underequipped or my skills just suck (or maybe there is some obvious gimmick that i didnt figure out). Didnt have too much gear to elevate the resistances (im not even sure which one is responsible for this blood debuff - "shadow"?), im not interested in back tracking and grinding either... so i think i will drop Diablo4 here.
nice potion mechanic - its not overshadow the main combat on screen. My fav H&S diablo1 tchernobog is basically a potion drinking game.
fortify HP layer - thats add little extra managment to red ball
character can freeze
dashing with space, make the game more dynamic. with dodging projectiles, or reaching supporting monsters
graphic is superb, lots of details, like wounds on character if you dont wear anything. Location are amazing. Animations on point, no supersonic anime speed things, my druid is waving his paws in bear form in slow/impactful manner.
setting is good, a bit of multiculti mixing but i like it. I enjoy the overall ambient of the game... much diablo1 vibe.
i didnt follow the plot at all - but for the moment i though i will be the bad guy and game would be about extermination of villagers, which was nice
knock back./down mechanic is fantastic. Everything is in motion.
pacing of the game is good, frequence of monster appearing and item to pickup
tech tree is linear - D2 is still a king here. unless you into PoE autism
game handheld you everywhere with yellow markers, which spoil the exploration
If not for the difficulty which is non existing - i dont feel once any tension, then this could be a good game. Maybe if I could turn off monsters HP bars, then it would be a bigger challange.
Actually it wasn't too bad yesterday I only waited 50 minutes which is much less time than I would have assumed.Should I even bother downloading the beta? Anyone have any day one impressions?
Probably not worth it at this point. The queues are going to be insane for the public beta.
that's... not how diablo 4 works...I was underlevel
b-but some of pipo of the codex said it's many tacticool and hard...95% of the game you cut through enemies without any problems (one or rarely two shot)
Funny considering how old Blizzard was laser-focused on making things like this work correctly:it's non-stop stutter whenever the game is loading any assets
The game is poorly coded. I saw Windows busy cursor several times which proves that the main thread that should be processing input events as fast as possible is busy doing some heavy work.
Control is king. Game control is taken for granted a lot of times. I remember on Warcraft 3 I could feel a little bit of lag on the mouse cursor, and I kept saying it to the programmer, but he kept saying he couldn’t see anything wrong. Finally he coded in a hardware cursor so we could run both cursors at the same time, and lo and behold there were three frames of lag. And that matters, it’s important. People will leave over that, but you’ll never know that is the reason.
To make it difficult you would have to click a skills with the mouse.b-but some of pipo of the codex said it's many tacticool and hard...95% of the game you cut through enemies without any problems (one or rarely two shot)
"Looking for Bhaal?"Difficulty is weird for 95% of the game you cut through enemies without any problems (one or rarely two shot) suddenly you come across a boss that for some reason hits 10x harder than everything else and stuns you every few seconds.
Maybe you should come back after you level more... oh waitDifficulty is weird for 95% of the game you cut through enemies without any problems (one or rarely two shot) suddenly you come across a boss that for some reason hits 10x harder than everything else and stuns you every few seconds.
It is not bad if you can avoid EU afternoon/evening times. Then queue is usually 1-2 min onlyShould I even bother downloading the beta? Anyone have any day one impressions?
Probably not worth it at this point. The queues are going to be insane for the public beta.
Funny considering how old Blizzard was laser-focused on making things like this work correctly:
Why are you using wireless mouse lol?!No issues logging in/queuing.
Runs fine on a gtx1060 @1080p with its autodetected/recommended default settings (mix of mostly medium with a few low and high) with a 60fps cap. If people are having performance and stability issues might want to consider reducing/disabling some of the fancier effects which may be bugged and cap the fps properly.
Graphically it's the prettiest top down game I've tried since Pillars of Eternity 2.
Can't comment much on the gameplay as diablo-likes are not my thing and last tried it decades ago. Seems to flow well enough. There seems to be a huge power difference between the classes. If Barb felt normal/easy Necro felt like game journalist mode.
Would've liked an alternate solution for a high tension/hardcore/ironman mode that doesn't end up wiping your character if the batteries in your mouse go out or if you get a phone call in the middle of a fight.
it is though?that's... not how diablo 4 works...
Unfortunately, Blizzard has been organizing all betas on servers located in the USA for years, so they always work like shit in Europe.I just finished a 3h session with a friend. There was no queue when we logged it but things will most likely change in the evening.
The game is really fun and graphically it looks great. It scratches a certain itch when it comes to hack and slash games. In the back of my head was the constant comparison with Lost Ark but my buddy never played it and still thoguht that it's a good game on its own. The gameplay is fun and you don't get showered in items like in D3 so that's a massive plus.
On the downside, it runs like crap. Lag and stutters are very frequent and it's good to know that I am not the only one with the issue. My PC is not that good by 2023 standards but this shit should run even on a 5yo card.