I am just playing D2 mod Path of Diablo and doing Rabies Werewolf and it is certainly more fun than any other melee build. No need to click on every enemy (one of the more irritating gameplay loops in D2), i just infect one and spreading poison takes care of the rest.The Druid in D2 was the gayest class anyway. Nothing of value was lost.
well, good luck trying to haul my shaneequa m'bongo druid NOT sloooooooooooooooowly.you getting slooooooooooooowly (very slowly - surprising patience in the cinematic direction for a modern aRPG) hauled off to your doom on an old rusty cart
Diablo Druids are just an offshoot tribe from Barbarians. They aren't tree worshipping hippies. They are a warrior-priest tribe and I think they used to be cannibals as well on account of their lycantrophy, although that might've either been a dream or something that was retconned later by nuBlizzard. Looking at the Diablo wiki it's also mentioned that they practice agriculture. Weird detail to include but it's there. Seems to me that they are more of a rural type than a hunter-gatherer specific society.
The Druid was not originally going to be a playable class in Diablo IV. The developers reversed course after seeing a piece of concept art.
And imo that's all you need to say. There's no need to rationalize it further. I like the Druid physique. I like the Barbarian physique. I don't like how Necros look like crack whores. But if Blizzard offered an actual body type choice (for all classes) then that'd probably be best for everyone.Simply not appealing to me, visually.
I'm not. The people defending it are. Many people are claiming that this is a "typical" strongman physique, which somehow makes sense for a Druid archetype, or comparing them to people living in the cold and putting on extra weight as a result, or preparing for "hibernation" etc. It's basically the arguments of people who wanna justify the style in some way, becuase the overwhelming response so far was pretty negative. Even most fat people don't wanna play a fat character (just like most anorexic people wouldn't wanna play the necro).There's no need to rationalize it further.
Do you need a rock drill? The way you're shoveling yourself into the hole has you meeting the bedrock soon enough..You do understand that back in 90s there were no uniform engines that everyone was using?Not the same. It was a technical limitation at that time, they also fixed it by introducing gems bags and such.doesn't matter when ring and full plate are same size in your inventory.
Truth be told, this is how it worked in Infinity Engine games too.
Diablo 4 is pure design decision.
How on Earth could this be a serious statement?
Yeah, back in the late 90s, before computers evolved the ability to display objects of different sizes.
Are you retarded?
IE was originally developed for RTS, Diablo was supposed to be TB and so on..
Also the amount of money and manpower that is going into modern AAA games like D4 is not comparable to anything in the past.
They are building Aircraft carriers now when then they were making sailing boats.
they have vitiligo skin tone available for every character type.albinos,
While they still practiced agriculture, it's not their main source of food,
To be honest tho, I recently started a Paladin run in vanilla D2, and he *does* sound somewhat negroid.
If I remember correctly, in d2 the paladin was always black.
Papa John’sShitty game, shitty players.