biggest fear: vacuum cleaner
Speaking of masochism: playing on World Tier 4 as a level 60 is indeed Torment. However, I'm perversely enjoying the challenge, getting better gear, and already leveled up to 61 after just a few side quests and dungeons.
WT3 got laughably easy towards the end there, not to mention a slog as far as leveling, and I was at risk of dropping the game entirely. The pain of getting repeatedly one-shotted by a hundred increased health+damage resist+lightning spam+teleporting elites breathed new life into the playthrough.
Still not playing the seasonal content with a brand new character. Blizzard can fuck right off what that one.
WT3 got laughably easy towards the end there, not to mention a slog as far as leveling, and I was at risk of dropping the game entirely. The pain of getting repeatedly one-shotted by a hundred increased health+damage resist+lightning spam+teleporting elites breathed new life into the playthrough.
Still not playing the seasonal content with a brand new character. Blizzard can fuck right off what that one.