The more I play D:OS, the more depressed I become.
Not because the game is bad, far from it. I am nearly 70 hours in and am still loving it. There are plenty of faults, for sure, but still it has that something.
The more I play, the more I realize why I am doomed. It is like I got a time machine and travelled 15-20 years back in time. Back into that time where you
played the games and didn't just enjoy an audio-visually impressive entertainment product. It is so god damn hard to get into that kind of mindset. I too have been conditioned into "playing" modern games, i.e. putting in the DVD and sitting back and enjoying the ride. Then when confronted with a game like D:OS, I feel like an utter buffoon. You're so used to indestructible corridors that you stop looking (many times I got stuck because I didn't even THINK I could actually destroy and obstacle), so used to knowing the tropes that you stop learning (lighting strike does WHAT?)... If even a cRPG veteran like me is having hard time remembering, the kids those day don't stand a chance. They grew up with the tasteless gunk, after all.
I like the game for all the reasons why the true
Enablers of Decline and
Cultists of the Popamole Dumbdown hate it: it fucks with the player. All those instant-kill puzzles, traps and situations that are all your fault for being a dumb shit who doesn't stop and think for a moment (in a turn-based game, FFS). The lack of hand-holding and neon direction signs (FFS, I missed a whole quest in Cyseal even though I spent like 30h in the damn place...). Combat systems that can be utterly imbalanced depending on what choices you make. Mechanics that can be abused - and are EXPECTED to be abused. The fact that you can fail without losing the game.
I love the game and it makes me sad. For there ain't a chance in hell that another game like this will be made this day and age. Larian guys are absolutely bonkers to make something like this. It is playing with fire, it's balancing on a tightrope placed between two of the tallest skyscrapers. It's the kind of shit you try out once when you're drunk and high... but not the kind that you do again if you manage to survive. They made it this time, but they too have to feed their families. The next time they'll play if safe. I can't blame 'em.
No fucking chance I'll get another 90 hour cRPG that I'll enjoy to this degree. It sure as hell won't be PoE. Sawyer will serve a bowl of
well designed soup that'll offend no-one and won't sure as hell contain any rough edges or razorblades. The usual shit-slurpers will love it and the decline will roll on.
So truly honest thanks to
lar_q and
ForkTong for making bad life choices while under the influence of Belgian beer. It is better I thank you now, and not when I am raging about the incomplete ending or disappointing endgame, after all...