Playing two mages and the game has become crazy easy, didn't bother doing any quests in cyseal and went straight to hunting enemies, so far beat the ghoul at the lighthouse, fire elementals, zombies, wolves, Big orc and first few orc party on second beach, all fire enemies before twins joined thing, etc, at about levels 2-3(4 near the end). Funny thing is my first playthrough I though the game was decently challenging until late cyseal, not looking forward to when the game hits the uber easy curve. Also the difficulty does absolutely nothing to mages. hp and CtH chance? Basically just makes warriors and rogues even weaker, mages don't need CtH or vitality. And the enemy debuffs mean little besides longer pwnage, since they never get to hit me anyway. No deaths yet, and have only needed to use basic healing a handful of times.
Probably going to abandon this one, maybe try with lone wolf on both chars. Other combinations were tanky sword+board with a bit of fire, alongside a completely non combat character (Lucky charm, charisma, pickpocket, pet pal, sneaking), moderately difficult until late cyseal, all other combinations I've messed around with have been on the same level, so yes, if you're just starting, mages are uber easy mode of the highest degree.