Unless they are scraping way too much code, which i doubt, as they are reaaaally behind on things, i expect to see some bloating finding its way in. I do however hope that since they are already late, they might as well go for doing it right;
Since no one's talking, could be anything really.
What i am happy to know is that this being their own engine, all current hurdles are to their benefit; ie in terms of the two future titles
- they will no longer need to beg Linux for alterations and patch releases. Cost them months just waiting on them. Has already happened, so hopefully no time and money lost in order to port over the next two games
- same with Mac OS, last few issues they had with memory consumption and low frames will have been sorted
- edit: same goes for Xbone, assuming it happens
- whatever the quality of sound+score, it first has to play properly. They know what they did wrong, so again, should be set for the future
- they know the editor was a touch too complicated (and undocumented) ((and limited because of that)) so they will have both engine and editor shipped for it improved before the next ones are out
- their team has had some experience working with one another and the inhouse engine, which is very important. Especially considering how much they expanded it. Efficiency, time, et al
Happy as in well..in the future, we should theoretically be expecting a lot more time wasted on features and gameplay rather than on the tech side of things. To be seen.
A lot of people saw D:OS as Larian's baptism by fire, but i personally disagree. In terms of surviving, they've had it since BD. In terms of showcasing their "true" potential? For me it will be in the next one. They took their decisions, have had the time to iterate and improve. They also got enough money to have no 'indie' excuse/eponym anymore. So excluding the possibility of a failed future KS, i will be expecting to see just what they are capable of doing. Or not.
(i loved D:OS, for all its flaws. It made me run U7 again, which says something
So i can only imagine how better their next one could be. Could. See for example W2. Plenty of hype, just don't dig too deep, might make you sour)
p.s. and no, not forgetting the whole night/day circle debacle. Just willing to make excuses for them, based on the rest of game as i experienced it. I do not see me doing this again though