Ok, one thing is exploiting features of the software of the game and another completely different is exploiting RULES of the game. It's not the same in CHESS taking advantage of the power of the queen to maximize my chance of winning, that taking advantage of the fact my opponent was distracted to remove his queen from the table with my hand. That is a huge difference.
Saving and scumming is not a GAME RULE MECHANIC, is a property of the software, why removing saving game state you are not changing a GAME RULE, you are changing the software.
Sure Nobody stops me from hacking hte game and give my characters MAx stats. But here is the problem.
A game, is defined by it's rules, and if I hack the system to change the rule of the game, I'm playing a game different than the game that was designed.
I want to play the DESIGNED game.
I can't just arbitrarly decide what is part of the designed game rules and which is not. Sure stunning enemies makes the game easier, should i not stun enemies?, Charming enemies makes the game easier should i not charm enemies?.
It's the Designers job to create an experience for the one playing the game that is fun. How do i know what is that experience? what is what im supposed to experience? Is fleeing part of the experience? is stunning enemies part of the experience? You may answer yes, SOMETIMES it is. Ok how often? at what point is stunning part of the experinece and at what point im exploiting the game? The game should have indicators on when that is.
If you say a game like magic the gathering for example, having 3 lighting bolts in your deck is good, having 4 lighting bolts is better, having 5 lighting bolts is even better, but the game rules state that having 5 lightining bolts is illegal, so you don't use 5 lighting bolts unless you want to go beyond the rules of the game. But as long as you have 4 lightining bolts is fair game.
If you play Duelyst ( a game ive been playing a lot recently) you realize how powerfull Replacing cards. But the system limits you to JUST one REPLACE PER TURN. So you have to manage that resource. If you could hack it to have 2 replaces per turn, then you are breaking the game, the game state clearly the experience is designed for one replace per turn.
Now compare that to fleeing, is that an option? Yes it is, it's part of the clearly designed game rules. Fleeing once is good, 2 is better, 3 even better, and so on and so forth, there is no limit. The game doesn't determine or signal how much you should flee, how the experience was designed, was designed for 1 flee per 5 minutes? 1 flee per batttle? 1 flee per 10 battles? as far as i know, given the rules of the game, fleeing is infinite, so I have to guess the game is designed for infinite fleeing in mind. And if it wasn't why it's not specified?
Why in MTG is clearly established what the design is (no more than 4 lighting bolts) but here, it's not specififed? Should I specify myself? Should i become a game designer now? I'm not a game designer, it shouldn't be my job to design the experience and the limitations of my actions, because I have no basis for it. What is the max amount of fleeing per battle that creates the best experience? I don't know, I dont know how to know, and I shouldn't have to know, I'm not a game designer, i'm the player. As a player I should use the tools given in the game to achieve my goals, and having fun in the process, not trying to design the game, that is the job of the game designer.