Having that conversation with Grunker and reading a bit on other boards, I get really scared about the average gamer sometimes, I'm reminded of the forums for Paradox games like Crusader Kings 2. We are gamey and powergamey as fuck, no matter how the game design frequently goes in the opposite direction and tries to inject roleplaying or simulations, all people do is break shit. In CK2 you had a game that provided a great feudal simulator, and of course the forums were full of people recommending to totally break that and play as 1 guy owning every land. It was patched because the devs know better, but I could pop today in their forums and find the same thing.
In Divinity, I've read so far that stealing is OP so it has to be nerfed, that people always reload when a character dies, that crafting is too strong and that I must use some skill combinations that are 100% broken. This forum has mostly been empty of it, but if you follow everything that people recommend, the combat would pose no challenge at all and the roleplaying and choices would be non existent. The best RPG in 5+ years and one of the best at actually promoting roleplaying ever and people just want to play it like it's WoW or Assassin's Creed, checking off things on a list as fast as possible.
What surprised me the most about D:OS is how it tries new things and succeeds, it pushes the RPG genre forward (something that I have no hope Sawyer will accomplish). Hopefully the developers deal with the never ending BAWW that gamers will put up about everything, I'm not looking forward to being part of the community. Going back to Paradox, they are an amazing company because they know exactly when to push their vision and when to make playability improvements, it's hard. If I was a game designer, I'd probably end up developing a Gaider complex too, thinking everyone not in game dev to be an utter moron. So what I'm saying is, enjoy this because it may not last, gamers don't want quality.