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Divinity: Original Sin Pre-Release Thread

Jedi Exile

Oct 10, 2010
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Maybe Josh doesn't like Sven's games. They have always been quite sexist lol.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Given enough experience with RPGs, one can judge them by looking. For example, Josh wouldn't need to play any 3rd edition D&D to know it's bad. See the third quote in my sig.
Yet he made 2 video games based on 3E +M


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Given enough experience with RPGs, one can judge them by looking. For example, Josh wouldn't need to play any 3rd edition D&D to know it's bad. See the third quote in my sig.
Yet he made 2 video games based on 3E +M
And he did the best job he possibly could with those lousy tools in the time given.


backlog digger
Sep 10, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
ForkTong Will there be an opportunity to buy alpha/beta access to D:OS on Larian Vault and/or Steam Early Access?
Will the editor be included in alpha or beta version?


Larian Studios
Nov 21, 2010


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Where's Roguey? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin/posts/625682

The impact of Kickstarter on combat
For the first time in the history of Larian, we have people who are dedicated to making character development really fun. In the past, we always had the problem that we were spread too thin, and so the design and balancing of the character development systems were done almost between the soup and the potatoes. This may surprise you, but there are many many moving systems in an RPG and when you make them with a small team, you can't afford to have too much specialisation.

But now, thanks to your generous contributions, we can afford to have a team that is focussed on balancing our combat systems and tweaking the formulas that affect character development. It's a very big improvement ;).

Part of the job of our shiny new "stats team" is playtesting and adjusting the rule set that drives things behind the scenes. You know, stuff like "will constitution affect some resistances?", "What about initiative, does stuff in your inventory affect it?" etc... But they also decide whether or not strength affects the initial opinion somebody has about the player's avatar. After many discussions, the team came up with the following set of primary and secondary stats. We also have a list of abilities, traits and talents that go with it, but we’ll leave those for another update, because we’re interested in hearing what properties you think should be associated with each of these stats.

A picture tells a thousand words, so here's that picture :)


Let us know your thoughts! (Here's a bigger version)


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
The image gave me a boner :blush:

You left out the most important part:

10 Things I bet you didn't know about orcs
  • Orcs live in tribal societies in which the females of the species are the natural leaders. Physically they are just as strong as the males (except for exceptionally large orc behemoths), and they are mentally far superior to them.
  • A curious and as yet unexplained phenomenon among orcs is that far fewer females are born among them than males. This makes them very precious, and if need be, scores of male orcs will willingly perish to save the life of a single female, be the cause war, famine, sickness, or any other threat.
  • Orc females' heightened importance because of both their rarity and their superior intellect is the main reason--most anthropologists agree--for their role as leaders among the orcs. Over time, highly ritualised protocols have arisen around their chieftaincy. Indeed, the main god of the orcs being Amun-Hor (the All-mother), females are worshipped as mortal avatars of this supreme deity. Orc sculpture, though exceedingly primitive to human eyes, almost always depicts the female figure in idolised form, and it is never quite clear whether it is supposed to represent Amun-Hor, a specific chieftain, or possibly both at the same time.

  • A single female commands tribes that can consist of as few as a dozen male orcs to well over fifty of them. Though they obey any other female, they are always fiercely loyal to their own overlord (or to be more precise: overlady). The highest status a male orc can achieve is to be elected Consort, i.e. the chosen of the tribe.
  • Once every year, during midwinter, a chieftain chooses a male from among her tribe to mate with so that she can give birth in the spring. No higher honour can befall a male orc than to be chosen, and for the duration of exactly one year he is known as the Consort, which entitles him to greater liberties; limited command over his fellows; the choicest spoils of war; the best cuts of meat; etc., that is to say, the second best of course, for the best invariably goes to the chieftain. (Indeed, like lions, but with the genders reversed, during meals everyone looks on until the leader of the pride has filled her stomach to satisfaction. Only then do they eat what is left. In lean times, that may mean they have but carcasses to chew on.)
  • A female will usually choose her Consort based on his physical prowess, his bravery in battle and his natural cunning, which allows him to survive in the cutthroat world orcs live in. Because of the esteem and the perks that come with this elevated status, the post of Consort is highly sought after and competitiveness often ends in bloodshed. Females actively encourage the 'locking of horns', for it helps them to determine which of her orcs is worthy of her, and more importantly, has demonstrated possession of the necessary qualities that must be passed on to subsequent generations.
  • In the spring the chieftain will give birth to some four to seven orc cubs. Usually once every three years on average, a female is among the newborns. If so, a massive feast is held in honour of the All-mother. When a girl reaches maturity on her tenth spring, she is given command of her own group of orcs and so new tribes are formed.
  • Orcs can live up to the age of forty, but it is a testament to the violent and brutal society they live in that most do not exceed the age of twenty or even fifteen. The females form an exception because they are so well-protected by their devotees, but few make it past thirty nevertheless, because they never shy away from participating in combat.
  • When a chieftain dies, the leaderless band of orcs will look for another tribe with a willing ten-spring female to take over command, though some tribes have been known to go out in a blaze of glory against a superior opponent or even commit ritual suicide so that they may burn alongside their fallen avatar of Amon-Hor.
  • The story of how gender balance will eventually be restored in orc society depends on what Jan a.k.a. Mr. Awesome sees through his window.

Larian are p. cool guys, doesn't afraid post KS updates drunk or nothing!


Feb 22, 2013
Orc update is pretty cool too...from a lore perspective seems to make sense and they way the built it up feels fairly realistic. I do wonder what the reaction will be from the limp-wrist brigade though. Dragon Commander put some sand in those folks vaginas for the whole princess thing...maybe this will bring some applaud from them, honestly I can see some of those folks trying to spin it negatively.

Jack Dandy

Feb 10, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Great stuff. Pretty unique take on the whole orc society thing.

I wonder what Hearing and Sight stats are for, though.


Oct 9, 2012
EDIT: Ninja'd :-(
Though it's also important to note that it's "With the alpha" too :)


They didnt ask any of you for opinions on orcs.

As to the actually important stuff of skills and attributes.

Ive posed this angle to it already and it seems Age of Decadence will try to do something similar to some extent, which is the only real example im aware of.
The problem with basic attributes is - and always was, that the Str and Con (or End) are always the most undervalued stats that therefore cannot avoid becoming dump stats while three other always - always get not only the strongest benefits but also the most of them.
Dex or AG and its Ap points + dodge (and related perks, traits or in game capabilities) - etc.
Int and its extra skill (or XP) points + dialogue win options (which makes it necessary for any non-lethal-pacifist-diplomat "build" or a class) + magic skills being absolutely dependent on it etc, etc.
and so on.

To keep it short, my suggestion was and is to dispense with it and instead calculate some of these biggest game defining-influencing mechanics through synergy between several attributes - which after all is how things actually go and therefore everyone will be able to easily relate to this new setup.
For example Action points should be calculated depending on Dex, Str and Con all together - not just depending on one stat that also has many other very big effects on game mechanics and whole big sections of the game - like combat is. (while in most games combat is all there is)

While on the other hand the effect Str and Con have in the actual gameplay need to be slightly increased.
Just thinking about what actual really strong people or those with high Con can do in reality should provides plenty of inspiration - to come up with several smaller additions to their usual very, very sparse portfolio of capabilities.
carry more weight? lift - easier use of heavy weapons? really? thats all?

what is then a Str based char? a Camel? an Ox?

wheres my Conan the Symerian ? (original comics Conan - of bloody course)
Where are the special bone breaking punches? the knocking out of large animals?
- the sweeping, skull cleaving like razor through hot butter swings?
- the throwing of furniture? the punching through doors or lesser walls to grab someone?
- the catching bastards by the throat and lifting them then slamming them into walls or other people?
- the manipulation of environment someone with crazy strength could actually do - but no one else could?
The lifting of heavy covers closing the prisoners pit or secret temple entrances? Bending jail bars and breaking of chains?
Then wielding the same into faces?

- (some of these should be reliable on synergy between Str and Con, btw)-

+ all the effects such character could have on companions - through interaction with them - through his capabilities enhancing theirs in gameplay itself - which is something Original Sin is not only using but actually pushes as one of its biggest features.
(quick example- Str char lifts the archer (rogue) and throws them on some higher part of environment - a tree or a temple pillar or a house roof, Str char lifts some heavy slab opening a pathway for a rogue... Str char helps rogue escape from prison...etc, etc)

+ all the effects such behavior would have on NPCs and the story itself - both good, bad or ugly?
The persuasion arguments of breaking someone arm or twisting things?

Then you could have a whole slew of different capabilities and dialogue options a Str+Int character build could have - thinking in the same vein of intelligent, shrewd Conan or Karsa orlong type of characters.
- different options of actions through dialogue then any other character build - for example.


- the screenie is swweet.
very spiffy. nice to see good design again. so nice...

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