Yeah no. If the decision makers liked shooters glory kills would not be in the game, at least not the way they are implemented.
We've been having the Glory Kill discussion for over 4 years now. Think about that. And as always, I'd be more convinced by this argument if GKs had actually brought the Doom 2016 gameplay to a standstill or something.
As it stands, at best people absolutely love these on lower difficulties, because they blend well with the speed of the combat in Doom 2016, or at worst in higher difficulties they are to be used when strategically viable instead of all the time.
We've been at this for years and years, and the anti-GK argument has never changed. I gotta be honest and say that people speaking out against them mostly come across as having never actually played the game, and it's always the same arguments repeated over and over and over, before Doom 2016 came out and years after, and now Doom Eternal is coming out and
this argument is still going on, and it is still mostly the same.
At this rate I'm thinking I'll be on my deathbed some day reading arguments against Glory Kills... and they'll be the same as they were in 2016, and 2020, and 2067. This never ends.