This game is going to be even shittier than the original nudoom (hard to imagine, I know):
It's showing us that you can now rely on flamethrower/ice bomb/grappling hook to regain armor/health instead of only Glory Kills. Given the amount of hate Glory Kills got in this thread, this should be a cause for celebration. That, and there being more enemies on screen at any given time. But post some stuff by someone who can show off the game properly instead:
I do like what I'm seeing. The Cyberdemon fills the role of ranged area-of-denial in the bestiary which nuDoom sorely lacked, and should now prompt you to think about positioning more in order to break line of sight with him, given how tanky he is and how much commitment the Cyberdemon requires to take down. Not even a BFG shot killed him, whereas the BFG in nuDoom instakilled everything that wasn't a boss (though it did seem to stun the Archvile for a good while, which sucks).
The new Ballista does seem a lot more balanced than its nuDoom counterpart, where its Siege Mode equivalent doesn't deal broken amounts of oneshotting-Cacodemons damage, but just fires a wide wave of medium damage that can instagib a group of weaker enemies at once.
On the other hand I am worried about all these new safety nets, given how YouTubers can still survive on Nightmare. Glory Kills seem to be more generous overall, and with the right upgrades you can freeze enemies, set them on fire, and then blood punch them to get like 120 health/armor back. The enemies are more aggressive and numerous this time around, so we'll see.
The Crucible is also shown to be an equipment-type item like the Chainsaw, and is only shown Glory Killing a Cyberdemon. I really REALLY hope the Crucible isn't just another instakill weapon like the Chainsaw and BFG already are for the most part.