DOOM Eternal Artbook spoilers for those who are interested.
The BFG is still disgustingly overpowered.
I know that the BFG is meant to be the Ultimate Fuck You weapon, but for some reason people think that it should be so powerful that it can skip entire encounters with the press of a button, like it did in nuDoom. olDoom's BFG had a very interesting implementation where it functioned like a shotgun with a massive horizontal spread, meaning if you fired it point-blank into tanky enemies they would crumble instantly; two point-blank BFG shots are the quickest way to kill a Cyberdemon save for a telefrag. But you could also hit many weaker enemies at once with the BFG if you positioned yourself in the open so your hitscan tracers would hit as many enemies as possible. Both use cases encouraged a lot of aggressive play, and made the BFG an interesting weapon to use, which is especially apparent in modern WADs that are heavily designed around tactical BFG deployment.The BFG is still disgustingly overpowered.
As it should be.
I know that the BFG is meant to be the Ultimate Fuck You weapon, but for some reason people think that it should be so powerful that it can skip entire encounters with the press of a button, like it did in nuDoom. olDoom's BFG had a very interesting implementation where it functioned like a shotgun with a massive horizontal spread, meaning if you fired it point-blank into tanky enemies they would crumble instantly; two point-blank BFG shots are the quickest way to kill a Cyberdemon save for a telefrag. But you could also hit many weaker enemies at once with the BFG if you positioned yourself in the open so your hitscan tracers would hit as many enemies as possible. Both use cases encouraged a lot of aggressive play, and made the BFG an interesting weapon to use, which is especially apparent in modern WADs that are heavily designed around tactical BFG deployment.The BFG is still disgustingly overpowered.
As it should be.
In nuDoom, it just fires an orb that insta-kills every nearby demon with the press of a button. There's no skill to it, there's no satisfaction to it, and the arenas in nuDoom are rarely THAT overwhelming to warrant something as powerful as this. To top it off, you're given three charges for it, and arenas will contain several additional BFG ammo pick-ups in the open so you can cheese shit some more. It literally deletes the fun, and if you want a good challenge you should never use it. The Serious Bombs in Serious Sam served a similar function, but at least they were super rare, and their power was actually warranted when you are fighting hundreds of enemies at once.
In nuDoom, it just fires an orb that insta-kills every nearby demon with the press of a button. There's no skill to it, there's no satisfaction to it, and the arenas in nuDoom are rarely THAT overwhelming to warrant something as powerful as this. To top it off, you're given three charges for it, and arenas will contain several additional BFG ammo pick-ups in the open so you can cheese shit some more. It literally deletes the fun, and if you want a good challenge you should never use it. The Serious Bombs in Serious Sam served a similar function, but at least they were super rare, and their power was actually warranted when you are fighting hundreds of enemies at once.
In nuDoom, it just fires an orb that insta-kills every nearby demon with the press of a button. There's no skill to it, there's no satisfaction to it, and the arenas in nuDoom are rarely THAT overwhelming to warrant something as powerful as this. To top it off, you're given three charges for it, and arenas will contain several additional BFG ammo pick-ups in the open so you can cheese shit some more. It literally deletes the fun, and if you want a good challenge you should never use it. The Serious Bombs in Serious Sam served a similar function, but at least they were super rare, and their power was actually warranted when you are fighting hundreds of enemies at once.
You had to somewhat aim it, iirc. Also I think the way to limit it is with ammo, not by weakening it. It's fun to kill everything at once with an ultimate fuck you, as long as you can't do it a lot. It's not like Doom 2016 on harder modes lacks challenge.
New gameplay that shows off the Maurauder, Archvile and Doom Hunter. TRIGGER WARNING: Played by loud obnoxious streamerman.
Maurauder will block everything (including Ice Bombs and BFGs) if you try to shoot it, and can only be damaged while its eyes glow green for when he's about to attack (though he's also shown to be damageable outside that, so who knows how exactly this works). Up close he'll do a hitscan attack with his shotgun, and he can also summon a wolf to attack you. He's also an aggressive motherfucker and can teleport around.
Archvile can also buff nearby demons.
The range of the acid pools on the Cyber-Mancubi is much larger now, and actually noticeable this time around.
The Doom Hunter can also cloak itself.
The BFG is still disgustingly overpowered.
It tells me the game won't rescue those players from defeat.
It's supposed to signify when you've destroyed a Weak Spot, which is at least informative.The most annoying part for me was the god damn ping pong sound that goes on and on all the fucking time.
It's supposed to signify when you've destroyed a Weak Spot, which is at least informative.The most annoying part for me was the god damn ping pong sound that goes on and on all the fucking time.
In the end they were asked about Quake reboot but alas no plans.
They're spreading out spoilers like they're candy, and like a month from release.