Is it me or are the glory kills more cartoony and less variety this time? I skipped to a bit where he gets the berserker pack and rips six imps apart and it's the same animation and it seems more comical than what it was in the 2016 version. And i don't know if it's all the shiny colors they added, but everything has this... pastel quality to it.
I haven't noticed much variety so far either.
Tonally, the game is just... Confused. The background music can be rather sinister, all the while some cheeful announcer chick is telling all cultist employees to please kill the doomslayer now or something.
You find silly looking toys of enemies and whatnot, but the visible damage you do to enemies like the hell knight doesn't really look comical.
The early destroyed earth level has really cool atmosphere with the silent giant mechs stuck in the lava in-between ruined skyscrapers... But then Dopefish. the levels after vary somewhat but I wish I could play a game where the developers had taken the hell on earth -motif from the early part, played it straight and made a proper game out of it.
The actual lore/story stuff is beyond idiotic... It's both really try-hard edgy but also "ironically" funny (Not funny though) and also super generic at the same time. WOW mixed with Gears of War, kinda.
I liked the doomguy better as a surviving marine. This is not a game that needs exposition dumps written by horrible MMO writers.
It needs more Diablo 1, less Diablo 3, basically.