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Dragon Age impressions


Oct 18, 2005
Codex 2012 Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex USB, 2014
Multi-headed Cow said:
In that situation you don't really have an option to refuse since you're in a scary dungeon surrounded by orcs and goblins .
Are those orc and goblins that each of my party members can slaughter in hundreds or some other type? :wink:


May 8, 2007
Except in Fallout you can finish the game without finding the water chip.


Dec 10, 2007
ever said:
You're dreaming.

Choosing "hard" difficulty since the beginning of time just made your adversaries get 150%, 200%, whatever% of everything, or that where there used to be one monster now there are two or something cheesy like that.

Point me to a game that does otherwise. I'd be surprised if you can find more than four, and I'll be surprised if these games have any other good qualities to them.
Jagged Alliance, Diablo, Doom, Civilization, Colonization, Caesar, Master of Orion, Age of Empires, Monkey Island 2, WarCraft, Heroes of Might & Magic, Quake, etc., etc., etc. ...

Nah. They're just a few.



Jul 3, 2007
Qkieu said:
Jesus fucking Christ, I DESPISE ppl who bitch about game difficulty while paying on freaking Normal. God damn, grow some balls, switch to Nightmare diff lvl (that's the way I will play this game) and then come back and tell something about difficulty. Every fucking game is meant to be played on max diff level, well, unless you are XBAWKS kiddo or a retard.

Tuonela said:
baronjohn said:
I'm playing on normal...

Switch to hard so you can actually say something relevant on the difficulty.

Clockwork Knight said:
baronjohn said:
I'm playing on normal


I think another retarded fanboy defence was born along the lines of "you can't criticize the game unless you completed it 3 times!!!"

You can't criticize auto-resurrection, auto-regen and lots of other casual shit unless you play it on hard (where the only difference is that enemies deal more dmg)!111

Silellak said:
I don't recall being able to tell the Overseer to fuck off and die when he told me to go find the Water Chip. Where was my "hide out in the Vault and ignore my responsibility" option? Or "refuse on pain of death" option? Man, I forgot how much Fallout sucks. Fuck that game.

And of course the defences ala "Baaawww you criticize DA for forcing stuff on you but in Tetris you can't have choices at all!!!1"

Codex IQ really scratches the floor down there if our local next-gen ESF'ers can't see a difference between a story premise and silly 4 LARPing choices that lead to the exactly same thing which is a silly cliche in itself.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.
Indeed. The same lame excuse was made in regards of HL2, that is, if you don't play on hard you have no rights to complain about the difficulty. Only, the only change on higher difficulty was lower weapon damage and higher damage from enemies, while the AI was still completely retarded and you would step on med kits every ten steps you took.


Dec 10, 2007
Auto-health-regeneration, auto-mana-regeneration, and auto-resurrection would be understandable if they were optional (and off by default), and even then only available on "Very Easy".

The fact that they can't be toggled off and are present on all difficulty levels conveys another message.

Multi-headed Cow

Hamster said:
Multi-headed Cow said:
In that situation you don't really have an option to refuse since you're in a scary dungeon surrounded by orcs and goblins .
Are those orc and goblins that each of my party members can slaughter in hundreds or some other type? :wink:
Actually fairly tough. Even in the tutorial "Origin" I had one party member get knocked out, and usually got fairly damaged during a fight. Playing on normal difficulty.

And the expanded context of that dialog is you just got kicked out of dwarftown for being framed for murdering your brother the prince, and you were sentenced to be chucked outside to fight the monsters until you die. However your TRUSTY RIGHT-HAND MANDWARF informs you while you're in jail that you'll be chucked out in the tunnels near the grey wardens who you met earlier are looking for something, so you can hack your way over to them to get out. It works fairly well for pushing your noble dwarf ass into the welcoming multiheaded dicks of the grey wardens.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
An unbiased view from the BioWare Social Network:

Hey all, I just wanted to let you all know that this is probably the best game that I have ever played and I have played many. The storyline,voice acting and gameplay is just excellent. Im not trying to brag I got it early I just wanted to let you all know that this game will totally be worth the wait and you will see tomorrow. BTW The graphics are really awesome in my opinion, don't listen to the reviews!


Graphics: They're Awsome


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
How to do C&C without obvious railroading:

1. So I hear you like to eat shit.

A. Yes.
B. I love eating shit. [Lie]

Both lead you to 2. at which point you're railroaded by a shitmonster that won't take no for an answer. But BioWare doesn't even get this. Funnily, there are far shittier (according to the LCD) studios that give you even this much choice.


May 20, 2007
The Desert Wasteland
Well my CE arrived today, wow very unimpressive.

The box is quite small. Its a tin case but who cares. The map is about the cheapest cloth I have ever seen its already unraveling at the edges. The manual is about 30 pages without really anything interesting in it.

Just starting game now but wanted to mention the contents in the CE arent very good. Man I miss the days like when I got Ultima V with the big box and all the goodies. Some things about modern day I hate.

Multi-headed Cow

And Skyway will be pleased to know that during combat there are occasionally block and parry animations, like NWN. Just not as often and not as well done. The occasional finishing moves you get are kind of fun as well.

Also got killed in my third battle outside of the origin story. First was against a group of wolves, easily killed. Second was my party of 4 against something like 2 orcs and 3-4 goblins, which went fairly well. Then third was my party against a larger group where my whole group got wiped, even with drinking all my poultices (Yes you drink poultices, no I don't know why). Looks like this will require STRATEGERY.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Hamster said:
Silellak said:
I don't recall being able to tell the Overseer to fuck off and die when he told me to go find the Water Chip.
I don't being presented with stupid false choice in that situation.

I would be better if that Gay Warden guy just told you "You have no choice, join us or die!" or smt like that. It will be the same railroading, but at least that would explain why are you not given an option to refuse.

That's not a fake choice - all options are clearly "yes", you're only choosing the tone to "match" your character, or whatever. It's larping, not fake choices. I'm sure the game has plenty of fake choices, but try to identify them correctly.

Fake choices are "Yes" or "no" that both turn out to be yes, etc

Metalcraze said:
I think another retarded fanboy defence was born along the lines of "you can't criticize the game unless you completed it 3 times!!!"

You can't criticize auto-resurrection, auto-regen and lots of other casual shit unless you play it on hard (where the only difference is that enemies deal more dmg)!111

Black said:
Yeah, your brain isn't capable of creating words. What else is new.

Attention dumbfucks.
Normal difficulty means (or at least should) NORMAL DIFFICULTY, not SUPER EASY DIFFICULTY.
Grow a brain or two before you become a pathetic apologist, sucking Gaider's fake dick with fake pubic hair.

Will you self parodies stop putting words into my mouth? I was just wondering why the seasoned hardcore players of the codex wouldn't just crank it directly to the hardest setting, regardless of whatever wankery concept you have about what difficulty levels "should" be.


Metalcraze said:
And of course the defences ala "Baaawww you criticize DA for forcing stuff on you but in Tetris you can't have choices at all!!!1"

Tetris? Let's read it again.

Sillelak said:
I don't recall being able to tell the Overseer to fuck off and die when he told me to go find the Water Chip. Where was my "hide out in the Vault and ignore my responsibility" option? Or "refuse on pain of death" option? Man, I forgot how much Fallout sucks. Fuck that game.

Hmmm. Apparently in Fallout you can't ignore the quest either. Oh well, should've put in some "no, lol" option followed by a gameover screen - lol choices. happens a lot in Jrpgs, best genre evar

Black said:
Except in Fallout you can finish the game without finding the water chip.

you're still forced to accept the quest to find it. In DA, you're forced to join the wardens, let's see if you're forced to do whatever the wardens tell you to ultimately do (like, "kill the X dragon", and you can finish the game without killing it).


I expect some super witty response like "Holy shit you don't have a brain, how do I reply to that :facepalm:" or some kiddy shit that avoids any real answer while still trying to look smart, just like in fucking third grade. Don't bother. I'm not even interested in playing at all so avoid the lol fanboi witty shit (if I was a fanboy I'd be in the bio forums, not here). I just want a review that tells me why it's shit, not just "lol its shit, gimme my cool points". But you fuckers are too busy trying to outdo each other.

I mean, what the fuck is this shit?

baronjohn said:
Writing, story: Jesus fucking christ, it's like you took a bunch of dumbass celebrities and put them on an island with castles and orcs and shit. I swear to god I've never cringed so much in my life. Will Bioware buy me a new ESC key? Because I think I'm gonna use mine up if I decide to continue.

This doesn't tell me anything, it's just like hearing a 13 year old trying too hard to come up with cool comebacks. It's no better than gushing reviews about it being the "best game evah!!!" I'd get at the bio forums.

circ said:
As opposed to

Graphics: GOTY!
Gameplay: GOTY!
Writing: GOTY!


hur hur reviews can either bash or gush, never actual info

circ said:
I think that review told me plenty about a POS that I'm convinced I'll hate anyway.

It didn't tell anything, its just another kollect kool kredits move.


Oct 13, 2006
This paragraph will probably get up the nose of quite a few codex members:

[The characters in Dragon Age] with whom you meet, befriend or manufacture enmity are more interesting and lifelike than any we’ve come across this generation (if that comes across as an insult to other RPG developers, then it’s because that’s exactly how it’s meant – it’s about time someone gave them a kick up the bum). As well as being, broadly speaking, well-acted, they are unpredictable, reactionary, emotional and bar none bring their own agenda, which will sometimes gel with your own, sometimes not. And it’s your ability to manage the goals of those around you that will see you weave your way deeper into Origins’ malleable storyline.

http://xbox-360.nowgamer.com/reviews/xb ... =0#listing


May 16, 2008
Codex 2012 Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014
things i learned from this thread: VD is probably going to get paid for the review or something, so he went all politically correct

everyone bitches about auto regeneration, and i do too, but then i think: who actually plays ironmode all the time? you rest anyway sooner or later, to progress. and if you die, you reload... so...

new games suck anyway

there's a lot of morons on this forum

the only thing i don't know yet is if i want to play dragon age


circ said:
How to do C&C without obvious railroading:

1. So I hear you like to eat shit.

A. Yes.
B. I love eating shit. [Lie]

Both lead you to 2. at which point you're railroaded by a shitmonster that won't take no for an answer. But BioWare doesn't even get this. Funnily, there are far shittier (according to the LCD) studios that give you even this much choice.

i choked on my food.
Aug 5, 2009
Impression: Never before have I seen a game so clearly want to be an MMO when it comes to interface, and some basic mechanics.


Oct 13, 2006
Genma:TheDestroyer said:
Impression: Never before have I seen a game so clearly want to be an MMO when it comes to interface, and some basic mechanics.

What an interesting statement to make. I, for one, would like to see your reasons because I have a pretty strong hunch that your reasons are pretty shitty ones.


Oct 3, 2009
I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*

Fuck im tired of this fucking buzz phrase. Stop fucking qualifying your opinion with "i for one" and opine like you got a pair. If that's too difficult -- at least find a new fucking way to phrase it. I'm fucking tired of reading "i for one".


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
RolePlayer said:
I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*I for one*

Fuck im tired of this fucking buzz phrase. Stop fucking qualifying your opinion with "i for one" and opine like you got a pair. If that's too difficult -- at least find a new fucking way to phrase it. I'm fucking tired of reading "i for one".

I for one agree with you.


Racism Expert
Nov 7, 2008
Insert clever insult here
Clockwork Knight, do you really expect that Bioware allows you to do something else but destroy your enemy at the end of the game?

BG: Kill Sarevok.
BG2: Kill Irenicus.
NWN: Kill the snakebitch who was so utterly forgettable that I don't even remember her.
KOTOR: Kill the Sith who was so utterly...
JE: Kill the scheming foster father/usurper Emperor. Oops, spoiler.
ME: Kill the fucking fucker and his fucking ship.



Jul 3, 2007
Saxon1974 said:
Well my CE arrived today, wow very unimpressive.

The box is quite small. Its a tin case but who cares. The map is about the cheapest cloth I have ever seen its already unraveling at the edges. The manual is about 30 pages without really anything interesting in it.

Just starting game now but wanted to mention the contents in the CE arent very good. Man I miss the days like when I got Ultima V with the big box and all the goodies. Some things about modern day I hate.

You fully deserved it though by buying it.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
GarfunkeL said:

I hope not. I always thought joining the villain at the end was retarded. O look you came all the way through but you can join me nao lolz, choices! Pretending that was the PC intention all along requires larping, too

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