When ME2 came out, and it was 2010 IIRC, their player base were already almost completely like this (e.g. Tali megathread). But I stopped even lurking for lulz after DA2 release (2011), because after that travesty almost all non-retarded people have left, and resulting masses who remained were too depressing even to laugh at.Maybe somebody can answer a question for me. When (and why) did the Bioboards/BSN become so ... well, whatever the hell it is now? I posted/lurked over there in the early 2000s until maybe 2008 or so, but it's like there was a complete transplant of their fanbase at some point in the last 6 years. I can't recall ever seeing such a complete and utter turnover.
Maybe somebody can answer a question for me. When (and why) did the Bioboards/BSN become so ... well, whatever the hell it is now? I posted/lurked over there in the early 2000s until maybe 2008 or so, but it's like there was a complete transplant of their fanbase at some point in the last 6 years. I can't recall ever seeing such a complete and utter turnover.
Maybe somebody can answer a question for me. When (and why) did the Bioboards/BSN become so ... well, whatever the hell it is now? I posted/lurked over there in the early 2000s until maybe 2008 or so, but it's like there was a complete transplant of their fanbase at some point in the last 6 years. I can't recall ever seeing such a complete and utter turnover.
I stopped posting there years ago but mainly because the mods started deleting any posts crictical of Bioware, so it was probably some time before the fanbase went-full romance-orientated.
From a brief look at some of the forum posts there, even if presenting your title as a romance-simualtion sells (which I doubt), would you really want to court that audience? They seem completely impossible to please in addition to being rabid - if you want to target your titles towards people that care so much that individual characters will only romance certain genders/races or that believe there is some kind of inbalance between the amount of Gay/Lesbian/Straight/Bi/Necro/whatever options available to players you're digging your own grave and deserve all you get.
The truth is, DA2 development cycle was fucking ridiculous (like 11 months) and it was basically a low-budget. I would even go so far and say that CDProjekt with GOG behind their back is in much better position than publisher-dependent Bioware... EA suits are generous with DA3 because they realized the studio is fucked after another debacle...It's funny when you think about it. The Witcher 2 and Dragon Age 2 was released the same year. Just looking at the two you wouldn't expect the shovelware tier budget looking game to be the one made by a huge Canadian studio backed by EA cash and the gorgeous one with lots of detail and impressive visuals to be made by independent Potatoes on the brink of bankruptcy. It's just so weird.Also they've switched engines between the first and the second Witcher, but Bioware can't even claim this defense, given that DA2's "Lycium Engine" is just Eclipse 1.5, so to speak.i just looked at screenies of geralt in witcher 1, 2, and 3, and didn't notice any significant differences in facial structure beyond eyebrow change from 1 to the rest, which falls under texturing issue since w1 had really shitty low res textures.I don't think consistency matters much. Take The Witcher for example. Gerald looks different in every game yet I don't see anyone complaining.
Now that it was pointed out, it's good question.
Perhaps there is something more to taint than zombification....It's probably too bad we never get the answer.
Now that it was pointed out, it's good question.
Perhaps there is something more to taint than zombification....It's probably too bad we never get the answer.
This one, at least, is a valid lore question.
Simple,they are not dwarves,don't know where this guy picked that info from.
I hope I'll never, ever, ever see the writing of this person. Ever.
I see your collection and rise you this:All this talk about the special snowflakes at the BSN made me think it's high time we had another round of choice confessions. Therefore, I combed through the depths of tumblr & lost precious sanity points to bring you these gems
Yep. There's absolutely nothing original in DA: O in any way. The concept of Golden City is a little uncommon, but otherwise just about everything else is recycled. The quality of the product made out of recycled goods is also not particularly good, so, hm.Yeah even their enemies aren't anything new in the fantasy genre. Darkspawn made from other races probably seems egdy and dark to Biodrones, but the same idea was in LOTR movie (don't remember if it was in the books) Saruman tells one of the Uruk-Hai that the original orcs were made ouf of Elves when Melkor/Morgoth corrupted them.
So yeah, Darkspawn for all intents and purposes are Orcs.
Remember when Best Thread Ever was full of stuff like this instead of boring SJW bullshit? Regardless, that image is almost too good to be true.