There's plenty of juden in Hollywood, but these mongoloids are the ones who keep getting a job. Disgusting and has cured me of believing that profit is what guides corporations. I have literally seen the opposite and those people are the living embodiment of it.
Because 'science' has supplanted religion. Anything that 'science' says or does is now the only right way to go about things.
Problem is, you can just select a dataset you agree with these days and there's a lot of bad research out there because:
a) Methodologies are almost never questioned and peer review status is incorrectly regarded as some sort of shield against fraud.
b) Proving a paper has been erroneous or fraudulent takes a long time, money and possibly opens you up for harm. See: Francesca Gino debacle, Roland Fryer on police racial profiling.
c) Proving, black on white, that a study is false is no guarantee that people will stop referring to it. For example: the Dunning–Kruger effect, DEI.
d) Academia are regarded by many as incorruptible and ever competent.
In comes just about any idiot that has a good sounding idea, like ESG, with studies and data that he selected. So everyone that wants to make more money buys into it because, hey, science says so.
And when it doesn't work out? They'll always either blame 'external factors' or go to the next good sounding idea... until the money dries up.
Personally I have a hatred against 'marketing experts' myself, after having graduated from college. Everyone from my year that was an absolute dud, only barely passing across all their grades, and managed to get through college by leeching onto other people, went into marketing.
I know what kind of people are doing these tests and how retarded their conclusions can be. But hey, they have a piece of paper that 'proves' something.