Well you're here now, care to contribute with one of those?If only there were actual quality posts, or even funny ones more often.
Well you're here now, care to contribute with one of those?If only there were actual quality posts, or even funny ones more often.
Still higher than a lot other RPGs, though. Greedfall, Disco Elysium, Outer Worlds. A bit less than DOS2.Interest seems pretty muted outside of the dedicated BioWare community. Veilguard's peak is only slightly higher than the Mass Effect Collection.
Belgium is American vassal state but ain't on American continentBGIII is more playable than either of those 3, if you accept you are the old guy at the table of giggling teenagers.Dragon Age: Inquistion, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are probably LAST playable AAA somewhat RPGs from North American Continet.
"So what if there is a big steaming turd floating right in the middle of your bowl of chili-con-carne? Can't you just enjoy the rest of your chili like a normal person? I go to a restaurant to eat and talk about food, and that turd is not food, so please stop talking about it. I'm fine with you discussing the beans, the mincemeat, the sauce, there's plenty to criticize in there. I'm sorry, this is not a coprology seminar, and I'm definitely not interested in your speculations on why the chef put it in there. Can't you simply eat your way around it like a good boy? It smells weird only until you get used to it, then it just smells normal. What do you mean, of the last ten bowls of chili you got, nine had a turd in them? You are just paranoid, that's what you are. All this obsession of yours with turds in your food is just you trying to be edgy."I don’t feel offended, it’s just childish social media garbage akin to Reddit, twitter or Facebook set in the style of an old forum. If only there were actual quality posts, or even funny ones more often. Instead it’s just culture war garbage. On every thread. This game is shit for a million reasons. Mostly it seems due to writing, voice acting, animations, and gameplay. Them shoving some tranny quanari with a terrible redesign and no option to kill them or tell them to fuck off is a problem with writing and art. Did the devs have an agenda? Yes. Would I care if the game was good? Most likely not. I know, this is a controversial take around here.No, they are not. I could still read your post, even if it were showered with shit "smilies" on this forum.Smilies are downvotes basically. But yes, it is a board full of shit, on that we agreeAlt? Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t waste my time with such nonsense. I just call things how I see it. Dealing with such fragile psychs, this naturally creates a lot of butthurt. This board is now barely different from Reddit, or an ign comment section. Just like there, you get mass down voted for pointing out the obvious logical fallacies the retarded user base posts. Only difference is I’m not banned. Yet.
You didn't get downvoted, there's no such thing here. You got, at most, a bucketful of shit.
That is the big difference between this place and that fucking trash heap that is Reddit. And it's certainly a YOU problem if you personally feel offended by them.
In no universe out of infinite number of they/thems, are deranged trannies like Corrine Bushe and Patrick Weekes, DIRECTOR for game and LEAD WRITER able to make quality RPG in vein of Origins or previous RPGs but with a wittle little bit of tranny spice sprinkled over it. It's not that game is shit because of tranny writing. It's because of tranny writing and EVERYTHING THAT WOULD LEAD TO EVER BEING TRANNY WRITING WITH STR8 OUT OF TUMBLR/REDDIT/DISCORD RETARDEDLY HILARIOUS LINGO USED SERIOSLY IN SERIOUS DARK MEDIEVAL FANTASY SETTINGInstead it’s just culture war garbage. On every thread. This game is shit for a million reasons. Mostly it seems due to writing, voice acting, animations, and gameplay. Them shoving some tranny quanari with a terrible redesign and no option to kill them or tell them to fuck off is a problem with writing and art. Did the devs have an agenda? Yes. Would I care if the game was good? Most likely not. I know, this is a controversial take around here.
"Hello, fellow humans! I'm just like you guys! By the way, don't you think both sides are just as bad? One side is destroying games(and the entire western world looking at the bigger picture) and banning everyone that dissents, the other is merely shitposting on a forum. Basically the same thing!"The WORST kind. Because they don't offer anything EXCEPT: mathematical average of culturaly acceptable opinion from 10 years ago and todayWow.And also to see some Codexers show their edgy and extremist side, it reminded me of my nephew when he would say some idiotic absurdities and my brother would swear that "I don't know where he learned this" - on the internet no doubt.
Alright Mr. Centrist.
No great writers, thinkers, scientists or statesmen were normie or centrist. Why? Because to be centrist is to be passive, to be something THAT. HAS.TO. FIT into ever changing background canvas of socially acceptable norms. They don't offer no solutions, no original thoughts, nothing. In programming their value would be: NULL. Not nothing, NULL
Xorazm I think they say stupid shit like that, because modern devs have to fill the void with constant chatter. I guess, it's hard to come up with stuff.
EA never disclosed sales numbers for Inquisition, and they won't disclose now. They will lump it up with other titles and talk about "successful releases" in the next investor call in January (I think).Now we wait for sales I guess.
A bit less then DOS2 tells you everythingStill higher than a lot other RPGs, though. Greedfall=AA SHIT FROM 5 YEARS AGO , Disco Elysium=FIRST TITLE (AND LAST) FROM INDIE STUDIO, Outer Worlds=BIOWARE>OBSIDIAN IN EYES OF NORMIES. A bit less than DOS2.Interest seems pretty muted outside of the dedicated BioWare community. Veilguard's peak is only slightly higher than the Mass Effect Collection.
Well you're here now, care to contribute with one of those?If only there were actual quality posts, or even funny ones more often.
Oh, well that sucks. I didn't know. I don't really play or buy EA games. I think the only triple A publisher I follow and buy games from is Capcom and they usually release reports of their sales.EA never disclosed sales numbers for Inquisition, and they won't disclose now. They will lump it up with other titles and talk about "successful releases" in the next investor call in January (I think).
They actually didEA never disclosed sales numbers for Inquisition, and they won't disclose now. They will lump it up with other titles and talk about "successful releases" in the next investor call in January (I think).Now we wait for sales I guess.
Same as Inquisition, this one has flopped and they will cover it up. If there was anything to brag about, they would, but there will be nothing and that's how you can tell it flopped.
- Dragon Age: Origins — 3.2 million copies sold in three months;
- Dragon Age II — over 2 million copies sold in two months;
- Baldur’s Gate — 2.8 million copies sold as of 2015;
- Baldur’s Gate II — over 2 million copies sold as of 2005;
- Neverwinter Nights — 2.2 million copies sold as of 2007;
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic — 3.2 million copies sold as of 2007;
- Jade Empire — 500k copies sold in two months, below expectations;
- Mass Effect — 1.6 million copies sold in six weeks;
- Mass Effect 2 — over 2 million copies shipped in two weeks (ME1 & 2 sold over 7 million units combined as of April 2011);
- Mass Effect 3 — over 6 million copies sold (the entire trilogy sold over 14 million units as of July 2014).
DD2 remains my game of the year, even with the many issues. Though if it doesn't receive any dlc or patches to address the cut content, I'll be butthurt. DD2 was also $70. Veilguard is $60.Dragon's Dogma 2 cashed in on all the built up goodwill from us fans for its 2 mil something sales. When people realized just how poorly the game ran, streamlined mechanics, unfinished story, bad implementation of pawn system, etc; the game got negative steam reviews and now sits at 'mixed' steam ratings. DD 2 sales have struggled ever since
...hey, remember that huge website they've launched ages ago, for importing all your very important decisions into Inquisition? It had that stylistic art for every single one. Guess that one was a waste of time and money.The worst part is that everything you did from the first three games results in absolutely nothing in this game. You can't import what you did previously, especially since the last two games allowed you to do so.
Good thing that Dragon Age: Awakening is last Dragon Age game. Maybe II if Isabella gives me good blowjob. That's how people should look at this. As fan-fiction from tumblr. Because that's what it exactly isThe worst part is that everything you did from the first three games results in absolutely nothing in this game. You can't import what you did previously, especially since the last two games allowed you to do so.
You all realize that this androgynous, anthropomorphic, genderless, demon looking creature they're promoting in modern AAA games lately are all representing Moloch or Baphomet, right? This is the god of Judaism and goes back to 600 - 500 BC before and during the Exile. Robert Sepher has made a ton of videos about this topic. They are pushing their religion on you.
You are aware that the are several thousands of years of distance between the creation of Moloch and Baphomet, right?You all realize that this androgynous, anthropomorphic, genderless, demon looking creature they're promoting in modern AAA games lately are all representing Moloch or Baphomet, right? This is the god of Judaism and goes back to 600 - 500 BC before and during the Exile. Robert Sepher has made a ton of videos about this topic. They are pushing their religion on you.
Yeah but Veilguard didn't have Denuvo. I don't know if this is self basis at play here, but I think PC gamers are more likely to support games without Denuvo. The fact that Veilguard still didn't pull in as much players as DD 2 did, well, that says a lot.DD2 was also $70. Veilguard is $60.
Yes. I have noticed that they specifically promote anrogynes with unnaturally high cheekbones or prominent eyebrow ridges, a.k.a. the ways demons would be depicted in something like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.You all realize that this androgynous, anthropomorphic, genderless, demon looking creature they're promoting in modern AAA games lately are all representing Moloch or Baphomet, right?