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Capcom Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
What is this shit? Cmon Crapcom, make a Dragon's Dogma 2 you fuck heads!

I get the feeling this game will never get a proper sequel. Perhaps it's for the best.


Nov 24, 2013
Sadly, we probably wont see it. Specially after what Itsuno said about sales (in his opinion it could be 10 millions worldwide, unless some great journalists just messed up that with projected sales of DmC, RE6 and DD which was 10 millions).


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Sadly, we probably wont see it. Specially after what Itsuno said about sales (in his opinion it could be 10 millions worldwide, unless some great journalists just messed up that with projected sales of DmC, RE6 and DD which was 10 millions).

Maybe they will wait for PS4/Xbone to be fully situated before working on a sequel. A fool can dream. Let me dream...


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
SuicideBunny I'm thinking about making more in-depth guides, much like I did with the Warrior class several pages back. Should I dump them here or is making a separate topic fine?


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
dumping them here or in a single dedicated dd guides topic would prolly work better in regards to findability, but whatever floats your boat.
Apr 4, 2007
Dragon's Dogma was basically a favor for Itsuno, given that he basically saved one of their bigger IPs (Devil May Cry) and not really an AAA title. After they set him, and his team, to work doing so again they'll probably let him work on a sequel to Dragon's Dogma, or maybe Rival Schools.

In the meantime, Kamiya (of DMC1, Clover Studios, and now Platinum Games fame) just so happens to be making an action game called "Scalebound" that is supposed to focus on battles against large enemies like dragons and is rumored to be an action-RPG. Bad news though, it is likely to be either an Xbone or WiiU exclusive.


Oct 17, 2012
Xbox One is a failure of a console. Devs need to stop accepting dirty Microdick money to be exclusive on that shite.

Not releasing Dragon's Dogma on PC might be even dumber than not releasing RDR on PC. It's dumbfounding.


Nov 24, 2013
Dragon's Dogma was basically a favor for Itsuno, given that he basically saved one of their bigger IPs (Devil May Cry) and not really an AAA title. After they set him, and his team, to work doing so again they'll probably let him work on a sequel to Dragon's Dogma, or maybe Rival Schools.

In the meantime, Kamiya (of DMC1, Clover Studios, and now Platinum Games fame) just so happens to be making an action game called "Scalebound" that is supposed to focus on battles against large enemies like dragons and is rumored to be an action-RPG. Bad news though, it is likely to be either an Xbone or WiiU exclusive.
I wonder what Itusno will do next. Proper DMC5 would be great but who knows what higher up are thinking after reboot sales.
Hm, WiiU wouldnt be that bad since there is Bayonetta 2 already. Well, with xbox there are small chances for pc version later. I just have no idea who would fund and publish it.

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
Today my tears will flow.

I suspected there wouldn't be another DD, but I had hope.

My wife hates that game on account I've probably sunk about 200+ hours into it.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
My wife hates the woman singing in the intro for Dark Arisen. Thinks she's terrible.



Jul 12, 2012
“The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long.”

― Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching :cry:



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Magick Archer is clearly the best class overall. Early on they slaughter Sauriens and make good anti-air when a mage casts the correct element buff on them. Six/nine fold bolt as an ice elemental spell deals critical damage to most of the tougher enemies in the game (Drakes/Goreclops/Hellhounds) and many other lesser enemies. Ricochet Hunter skull fucks Bitter Black Isle and the only things that come close to that level of destruction would be 4 Sorcerers spamming Bolide or a Arisen Ranger spamming Tenfold Flurry with Blast Arrows. Magic Rebalancer pushes them over the edge, giving you free periapts for boosting your magic defense/offense. Great Sacrifice can one-shot the final boss of the main story. Magickal Gleam is probably the most powerful anti-undead ability in the game. Immolation + Hundred Kisses will deal with anything magic immune short of Golem discs being out of reach. The homing arrows you shoot are also amazing and can easily reach sniper like ranges, which is absolutely ridiculous.

Currently playing Ranger and it's funny how they are an inferior ranged class compared to Magick Archer.

EDIT: Rangers are good for single-target boss killing. Slaughtering a Cyclops via Tenfold into its eye is amusing, but the lack of dagger skills along with the reduced movement speed with the Longbow drawn makes me question whether it's worth it. I've heard people claim that Assassin with Fivefold Flurry + Gale Harness can match the DPS. The range of the Longbow is nowhere as effective as Magick Archer auto-homing, though the manual aiming allows more accurate shots.

Other than being a Sorcerer to play a 4 Sorc party there is little reason to stay as a non-Hybrid class for your Arisen.

EDTI2: Rangers do make good use of those special arrows like Sleeper Arrows. Completely trivializes certain fights like against Ogres.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2011
Capcom be trolling. Dragon's Dogma main game was great, but they easily blew that away with Dark Arisen. Yet everything else they've done in the last few years makes it seem like they are middling developer that can't rise above 'good for what it is.' I only hope Team Troll strikes again with Deep Down, but I'm not holding my breath.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Capcom be trolling. Dragon's Dogma main game was great, but they easily blew that away with Dark Arisen. Yet everything else they've done in the last few years makes it seem like they are middling developer that can't rise above 'good for what it is.' I only hope Team Troll strikes again with Deep Down, but I'm not holding my breath.

Yeah I get the feeling that Dark Arisen being as good as it was is a fluke, but I could be wrong.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Oh the Assassin class, how you never bore me!

Powder Charge/Blast/Barrage (Will refer to it as Powder Charge) is such a fun skill.


The damage is determined by your physical stat mostly (small amount from magic). You place the charge and then it will detonate on the next time you press the skill button: the time it takes depends on how far you walk. Note that zigzagging will cause it to follow your exact path, which will cause the charge to take longer to explode. The damage is quite significant: the first rank can easily stagger and annihilate those god damn bandits early on. Even on hard mode you can force a Cyclops to fall forward with 2-3 blasts. Some fun things that can be done with this skill:

Powder Charge + Shield Summon: place the charge at your feet, bang your shield until the enemies herp-derp over to you, then blow the charge.

Powder Charge + Rusted Bow rank 3+: Shoot at your big target until it's slow, run over to its crotch and spam charges until it falls over.

Powder Charge + Sleeper Arrows: If they can be put to sleep, fire some arrows and have them take a nap! Since they will be considered out of combat, the Powder Charge will be explosively powerful!

Powder Charge + Grabs/grapple: Knock an enemy over and bring them on over to your charge. If a pawn is holding one down, feel free to blow it up.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
So apparently the Mystic Knight's Great Magick Cannon ability plays nicely with skills that multi-hit. Specifically, Miasma and Fulmination.

Well, it actually won't play nice if you stack too many cannons and miasmas/fulminations as it can crash the game and corrupt your save file. Will post more details once I get my Sorc and MK properly leveled.


Jul 7, 2011
I fucked up my MK build, sort of. I put too much emphasis on melee classes to find out that MK melee isn't all that interesting. His GMC does alright damage in most situations, but I've seen some serious boss-killer builds with that ability. Mine had a harder time (meaning drawn out) with the last boss and Ur-Dragon than he should have. I did put quite a few levels into Sorcerer before hand, just not enough for the cannon build.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
I fucked up my MK build, sort of. I put too much emphasis on melee classes to find out that MK melee isn't all that interesting. His GMC does alright damage in most situations, but I've seen some serious boss-killer builds with that ability. Mine had a harder time (meaning drawn out) with the last boss and Ur-Dragon than he should have. I did put quite a few levels into Sorcerer before hand, just not enough for the cannon build.

I don't think leveling as Sorc for a MK build is worthwhile. You lose a lot of health and defense to do that: he's still quite good in melee with Abyssinal Anguish and the extra defenses are nice for not dying.

As for the Great Magick Cannon, make sure to use both Demon's AND Conquerors Perhipts: GMC, along with some other Mystic Knight skills, pull 40%/60% from Attack and Magic Attack respectively. Get the highest damage Mace possible, buff with the element the boss is weak to, and wail away at the GMC.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
I fucked up my MK build, sort of. I put too much emphasis on melee classes to find out that MK melee isn't all that interesting. His GMC does alright damage in most situations, but I've seen some serious boss-killer builds with that ability. Mine had a harder time (meaning drawn out) with the last boss and Ur-Dragon than he should have. I did put quite a few levels into Sorcerer before hand, just not enough for the cannon build.
Fun fact: Abyssal Anguish and maximum height lets the MK reach a high dragon's heart with simple jump attacks. Throw in a enchant into the mix and they become trivial.

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