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Capcom Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
I'm mostly chill about the drops. I've played the game with the same shitty clothes since the beginning because I think they look cool.

Heh, clipping is an issue that a few years of World of Warcraft burned from my soul. When your own shoulderpads clip through your head, well, that's clip-ception.

Ever tried coupling Articulacy and the Wyrmking Ring? Maybe the casting time becomes bearable then.

Oh, by the way, the single most broken thing in this game is called Focused Bolt + Holy Affinity. It rapes most anything from much, much farther away than targetting leads you to believe. This is so much that I simply haven't used it anymore.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Oh, by the way, the single most broken thing in this game is called Focused Bolt + Holy Affinity. It rapes most anything from much, much farther away than targetting leads you to believe. This is so much that I simply haven't used it anymore.

Eh, I wouldn't call it the SINGLE most broken thing...


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Sure, you can barrage things with sleeper arrows. But spamming the holy bolt from the high heavens is pretty much brainless. It gets old pretty fast.

I'm not one with a great sense of fairness in games. If I find an exploit that is fun to do, I'll do it. FB + HAffinity is broken beyond fairness. Its a boring moving.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Sure, you can barrage things with sleeper arrows. But spamming the holy bolt from the high heavens is pretty much brainless. It gets old pretty fast.

I was talking about Ricochet Hunter and Tenfold Blast Arrows.

I'm not one with a great sense of fairness in games. If I find an exploit that is fun to do, I'll do it. FB + HAffinity is broken beyond fairness. Its a boring moving.

Which is why you don't overuse it and instead go for 4 High Bolide Spam. Equally mindless but visually stimulating.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
I'm not one with a great sense of fairness in games. If I find an exploit that is fun to do, I'll do it. FB + HAffinity is broken beyond fairness. Its a boring moving.

Which is why you don't overuse it and instead go for 4 High Bolide Spam. Equally mindless but visually stimulating.
Gicel is more monocled.

And I'm pretty sure it also works against the Golem amulets due to partial physical damage.

Welp, I'll go and try killing the Metal Golem with Exequy. There's a spot near one of the amulets that is to high it can't reach you and apparently exequy works with anything as long as you bring 20 liquid vim with you.
Apr 4, 2007
Ah yes, Stone Grove. Pretty sure it's a instant kill against anything weak to fire once you get the 3rd tier via BBI. Too bad the casting time is a bit slow.

Stone Grove/Forest/Jungle also carries with it an enormous amount of knockdown power. A well-geared Mystic Knight can chain-knockdown large monsters like (Gore)Chimeras, Cockatrices, Wyrms/Wyverns, and even Death. Slow at first, but extremely potent once you establish a rhythm.

Usually I have my Mystic Knights rocking:


Great Cannon: Self-explanatory. Arguably the most devastating skill possessed by the Mystic Knight.

Ruinous Sigil or Stone Forest: Ruinous Sigil is mostly for Daimon or Ur-Dragon busting, especially Daimon's 2nd-form or the Online Ur. Sigil combine with Great Cannons can dish out absurd amounts of high damage projectiles.

Full Moon Slash or Sky Rapture: Sky Rapture is a great way to dish out a lot of knockdown quickly, but can also serve as an air-dodge/dash for the Mystic Knight, and even help them cross gaps they normally couldn't. Full Moon Slash typically occupies this space, however, as the invincibility frames it affords help a lot in heated combat, especially any Fiend-Luring Incense fights.


Sopor: Sleep status, as noted by others here, are extremely potent against many enemies.
High Brontide: Not really the best spell, but the lightning whip effect is so fun to use.
High Frigor: Mostly for stepping platforms, but effective against a few enemies.

Magick Shield

An Elemental Trance: Being able to self Enchant, as well as buff the entire party is extremely useful. It also allows me to set magically-oriented pawns up with "leaner" spell lists, so as to avoid having them cast buffs when I would rather they be (sync) casting High Archmagicks, like Fulmination, Glicel, Seism, or Maelstrom.

An Elemental Riposte: These are really under-rated moves. Blessed Riposte is probably my favorite because the spheres of Holy light released on a Perfect Block hit multiple times, stun enemies, and can even trigger numerous Great Cannon shots. Plus, the slight frame leniency that those moves offer makes Perfect Block Canceling easier/faster, without having to burn an Augment slot on Prescience.

Abyssal Anguish: It's that damn good, even against enemies resistant to Dark. The multiple hits really add up in terms of damage and hitstun/knockdown.

As an aside, it's somewhat disappointing how three of the more interesting skills associated with the Magick Shield are so under-powered.

Demonswrath is an extremely flavorful technique and bears a strong resemblance to DMC3/DMC4's Royal Releases; you build up a meter by performing just guards, and the more attacks you perfectly block, the more potential damage is stored. While it can unleash a heap of damage, the Mystic Knight is so stacked in that department this skill is readily overlooked.

Holy Aid is also cool, converting blocked hits into healing, with Perfect Blocks restoring more health and even going beyond the "white health" that can be healed by most magical means. Like most recuperative (or buffing skills), it's utility suffers a lot because of the way items work and are balanced. Playing this game with little to no-item usage really changes the valuation of skills, abilities, and party composition.

Holy Furor is a good spell, it's just that Bitterblack Isle is filled with so many Surging Light Tomes that carry the same effect, but casts faster, and has no stamina drain drawback.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
An Elemental Riposte: These are really under-rated moves. Blessed Riposte is probably my favorite because the spheres of Holy light released on a Perfect Block hit multiple times, stun enemies, and can even trigger numerous Great Cannon shots. Plus, the slight frame leniency that those moves offer makes Perfect Block Canceling easier/faster, without having to burn an Augment slot on Prescience.

I think the Ripostes are wasted on a Mystic Knight. He has no way to draw enemies to himself unless you're playing solo. I also find I kill stuff much faster without using Ripostes.


Jul 7, 2011
How did you guys build up your MKs? Mine(at lvl113) is a good chunk Fighter, with a smaller but also healhty amount of Sorcerer, some Assassisn, and a few levels in Warrior. I've seen all kinds of progressions with the class. I've seen some people do 90% Sorc or Assassin levels, some that take a good number of Strider levels, some go MK as soon as possible and stick with it to lvl 200. All were claimed to be viable by the player.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
How did you guys build up your MKs? Mine(at lvl113) is a good chunk Fighter, with a smaller but also healhty amount of Sorcerer, some Assassisn, and a few levels in Warrior. I've seen all kinds of progressions with the class. I've seen some people do 90% Sorc or Assassin levels, some that take a good number of Strider levels, some go MK as soon as possible and stick with it to lvl 200. All were claimed to be viable by the player.
Personally? I wouldn't bother with such kinds of long term building. The journey in itself is more important and in the end, your character will be the expression of that. If you want to play an MK, just do it.

Still, if you disagree then I think the one kind of trade off you should consider is swapping MK levels for Ranger. Both are quite balanced, but the Ranger makes it up with much more stamina.

Funny, at one point I considered that maybe Exequy couldn't kill golems. Turns out its the best way for a Sorcerer to kill the Metal Golem.


Jul 7, 2011
Just asked out of curiosity, not because I needed help. Didn't bother with Ranger or Strider because they bore me. Warrior feels like shit to me. Fighter and Sorc were by far the most fun, and I may do runs just using those classes. MK is cool because I like the party buffs, but it's more of a novelty
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Nov 5, 2014
Southern Hemisphere's Canada (New Zealand)
Warrior is not shit. It is severely neutered compared to the three god classes (like everything else), but it is also IMO the most satisfying class in the game. I mean sure you can lay waste with pretty lights as a Sorc, and Fighter does have Dragon's Maw. However, nothing, absolutely nothing beats landing an Arc of Deliverance/Obliteration after a long struggle right into a monster's face and knocking it on its ass in the process. Video demo:



Oct 26, 2012
You can mute Pawn comments. You know, in case you want to preserve your sanity.



all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Bros, I'm willing to start Dragon's Dogma soon. Any tips for the beginner?

Yes. DON'T hire pawns with a inclination of Guardian. Don't over use the help button as it causes pawns to turn their inclination towards Guardian.

DragoFireheart is my PSN ID.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Remember to use your "time sensitive" items in alchemy before they rot completely. Recently opened my inventory just to find a ton of wilted flowers. :(

Oh, and when upgrading your gear try to go directly for the "last" upgrade level, it's cheaper in the long run and the previous levels aren't enough of a boost to be worth the trouble.

Don't bother picking up everything you come across, things respawn fast enough and the time spent inventory juggling is not worth it. Speaking of that, dump every crafting item on the storehouse as they can be accessed from there.

Try to get a mage with healing (Anodyne) and an elemental boost spell, preferable fire. Rook comes with both but he's low level.

There is a chair on camps and inns that you can use to give instructions to your pawn. Try to attack the strongest/weakest guy in a group, pick up items more frequently, speak less often, etc.

Make sure to only ever hire cute waifus.

Don't get attached to random pawns, you level up fast and they don't level up at all. Though with Dark Arisen I found a weakling pawn with Bitterblack Isle equipment that gives her +1000 in strength or some ridiculous shit like that, so I'm keeping her around until her quest knowledge starts to run out of juice.

If you are playing Dark Arisen, they made it so Airtight Flasks aren't available in vendors anymore, just found in the world. You can find two or three in the starting village and surroundings, and they respawn so it's not too much of a pain, but try to save them for good items like Giant Fish. (you combine them with a time sensitive consumable to prevent it from rotting)
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Jul 10, 2013
There are quests to find items and give them to people. IIRC there's a pawn shop in the city that you can use to... alter the quest items.

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