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Capcom Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Apr 4, 2007
And what's the best class to start with?

Of the three initially available Vocations, I'd only recommend against going Mage because the gameplay is a little stale if you aren't familiar with the enemies and general gameplay. Not to mention many Mage augments (passive skills that can be slotted onto a character, regardless of current Vocation) aren't nearly as flexible when transitioning to different Vocations as compared to those of the Fighter and Strider. The same is also true for stat growths accrued when leveling as a Mage; high slant towards Magic Attack/Defense at the expense of everything else (HP, Stamina, Physical Attack/Defense) makes it a little harder to swap to a melee-oriented vocation. And you'll be lacking a lot of shared techniques that physical classes have in common (e.g. Fighters that swap to Assassin or Mystic Knight retain many of their Sword techniques purchased as a Fighter, even if their current rank in the Vocation would not yet have unlocked the skill).

Fighter is certainly solid, and is a great foundation for Assassins, Warriors, and Mystic Knights. They have a lot of attacks with high damage and good knockback, and blocking with a shield is a strong defensive option (especially when you buy the Core Skill that strikes enemies on Perfect Blocks). Some later techniques allow the Fighter to perform reversals and be wreathed in invincibility frames. The biggest weaknesses of the Fighter are their lack of ranged attacks, their inability to deal well with aerial foes, and their lack of techniques with innate elemental properties (they have to rely on pawns or the rare weapons with permanent enchantments).

Strider is a good all-around choice. Daggers may not be as damaging or heavy-hitting as swords are, but there are a lot of moves with useful properties (fast movement, ability to be used while climbing, innate fire elemental effects, etc). And the Short Bow gives the Strider access to ranged attacks, a good way to combat airborne foes, and a delivery method for specialty arrows capable of inflicting status effects. Like all "Yellow" vocations, Striders gain access to a dodge roll while equipped with Daggers and Striders specifically have increased climbing speed while grappling on large foes (cyclops, griffons, dragonkin). Their stat gains are balanced, but weighted more towards Stamina, as are their augments, making the Vocation pretty suitable to switch to anything else.

Above all, feel free to just experiment and swap vocations as you please. A min-maxed character (e.g. Fighter 1-10 and Assassin 11-200) can certainly help make the game a bit easier, and make things like a certain bosses' Online version go far smoother, but even "bad" characters can do well enough in the game, given proper loadouts (gear, techniques, augments) and play.

PS: When creating your character, pay attention to size and weight. Bigger characters have much larger hitboxes and can't access certain hidden caches that require a small frame/stature, but can carry more, are less effected by things like wing buffets (or strong winds), and count for more towards weighing down certain creatures. There's a ton of detail in this game.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
And what's the best class to start with?

Of the three initially available Vocations, I'd only recommend against going Mage because the gameplay is a little stale if you aren't familiar with the enemies and general gameplay. Not to mention many Mage augments (passive skills that can be slotted onto a character, regardless of current Vocation) aren't nearly as flexible when transitioning to different Vocations as compared to those of the Fighter and Strider. The same is also true for stat growths accrued when leveling as a Mage; high slant towards Magic Attack/Defense at the expense of everything else (HP, Stamina, Physical Attack/Defense) makes it a little harder to swap to a melee-oriented vocation. And you'll be lacking a lot of shared techniques that physical classes have in common (e.g. Fighters that swap to Assassin or Mystic Knight retain many of their Sword techniques purchased as a Fighter, even if their current rank in the Vocation would not yet have unlocked the skill).

Fighter is certainly solid, and is a great foundation for Assassins, Warriors, and Mystic Knights. They have a lot of attacks with high damage and good knockback, and blocking with a shield is a strong defensive option (especially when you buy the Core Skill that strikes enemies on Perfect Blocks). Some later techniques allow the Fighter to perform reversals and be wreathed in invincibility frames. The biggest weaknesses of the Fighter are their lack of ranged attacks, their inability to deal well with aerial foes, and their lack of techniques with innate elemental properties (they have to rely on pawns or the rare weapons with permanent enchantments).

Strider is a good all-around choice. Daggers may not be as damaging or heavy-hitting as swords are, but there are a lot of moves with useful properties (fast movement, ability to be used while climbing, innate fire elemental effects, etc). And the Short Bow gives the Strider access to ranged attacks, a good way to combat airborne foes, and a delivery method for specialty arrows capable of inflicting status effects. Like all "Yellow" vocations, Striders gain access to a dodge roll while equipped with Daggers and Striders specifically have increased climbing speed while grappling on large foes (cyclops, griffons, dragonkin). Their stat gains are balanced, but weighted more towards Stamina, as are their augments, making the Vocation pretty suitable to switch to anything else.

Above all, feel free to just experiment and swap vocations as you please. A min-maxed character (e.g. Fighter 1-10 and Assassin 11-200) can certainly help make the game a bit easier, and make things like a certain bosses' Online version go far smoother, but even "bad" characters can do well enough in the game, given proper loadouts (gear, techniques, augments) and play.

PS: When creating your character, pay attention to size and weight. Bigger characters have much larger hitboxes and can't access certain hidden caches that require a small frame/stature, but can carry more, are less effected by things like wing buffets (or strong winds), and count for more towards weighing down certain creatures. There's a ton of detail in this game.

Btw, what's with online? I tought it's a single-player game.


Nov 5, 2014
Southern Hemisphere's Canada (New Zealand)
The online feature enables you to hire other peoples' pawns for use in combat (or as pack mules). Occasionally a pawn may have done a certain quest before you hire them, so they will be able to provide hints and lead you to the right locations. And, if you are so inclined, you can gift people items when you send pawns back to their own worlds by equipping them with the item or leaving it in their inventory. The online feature also lets you fight a hidden boss; if you are offline he isn't too bad, but online his HP is somewhere in the millions. Personally I would save him for NG+.

Or, instead of pawns, you could solo the game using Warrior like a man. :obviously:


Jul 10, 2013
Just be prepared to be furious that Capcom isn't going to develop this series any more when you see how great the game is.


Nov 5, 2014
Southern Hemisphere's Canada (New Zealand)
He'll probably be more furious about the Eliminator's hammer stomp when he first gets hit by it.

Or, instead of pawns, you could solo the game using Warrior like a man. :obviously:

I'll think about this option.

The main reason it's great is because it keeps the game challenging rather than the difficulty just levelling off.

And you get to smack shit with a big sword (or hammer) that's part of the appeal too.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I'll start Dragon's Dogma after I finish my Sakura Spirit playthrough:smug:

Need some anime tits before going deep into some serious game.


Dec 14, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So there is an option to give presents by pressing square. Does it mean you can get waifus in the game?:smug:
Feb 13, 2011
So there is an option to give presents by pressing square. Does it mean you can get waifus in the game?:smug:
yes. best waifu :


you know its true:troll:

Abu Antar

Turn-based Poster
Jan 19, 2014
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is. Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Would be cool, imo. The game would have been fun online the way the combat works.


(ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
May 1, 2007
Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Torment: Tides of Numenera
Would be cool, imo. The game would have been fun online the way the combat works.
no it would be shit, because classes aren't balanced, and that's what's partially responsible for the fun in this game...
However, nothing, absolutely nothing beats landing an Arc of Deliverance/Obliteration after a long struggle right into a monster's face and knocking it on its ass in the process.
i don't know, man. filling the screen with enough magical projectiles to drop the framerate to a crawl feels pretty satisfying as an mk.


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
Would be cool, imo. The game would have been fun online the way the combat works.
no it would be shit, because classes aren't balanced, and that's what's partially responsible for the fun in this game...

And we know what happens when you take an unbalanced game and make it into an Online multi-player PvP feast.

"omg MA is so powerful"
"hur dur y does crapom hate warriors they suck"
"CAPCOM WTF STOP NERFING FIGHTERS DRAGON'S MAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111"
"I hate capcom so much they nerfed Brainsplitter I'm going to fucking rape their mothers"
"Sigh, yet again Capcom wants us all to be Ninjas, buffed Assassins AGAIN, fucking weebo faggots"
"Capcom nerf MA they are fucking stupid as shit they kill everyone and make raids wipe when they spam Ricochet Hunter"
"Capcom when are you going to buff warriors? no one hires my warrior pwn, no one wants to co-op with me. everyone makes fun of me and calls me a slow retarded version of fighter. AND YOU FUCKING BUFFED DRAGONS MAW BY MAKING IT COST 1% LESS STAMINAjfuisehfuisebfgiusdbfjsdnfsjkdnbuisdbnguidsrb"
"Why doesn't Capcom do anything with Mystic Knights? Are all we good for is mass buffs? Does no one care that we match Fighter tanking and Assassin DPS...?"
"Capcom Striders are not bad versions of Assassin FIX THEM YOU FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111"
"lol capcom sucks at balancing they should call this game Archers Dogma: Spam the Ricochet. Fuck you Capcom you nigger cunts

I do not want this shit. I had my fill from World of Warcraft Flavor of the Month balancing and banal whining.
Last edited:


all caps, rainbow colors, SOMETHING.
Jun 16, 2007
in before

Capcom: *sigh* Fans...they just don't know what they want. They asked for more Dragon's Dogma! I knew we should have given them another Resident Evil.

Wait for it...



Square Enix: *sigh* Fans...they just don't know what they want. They asked for more Chrono Trigger! I knew we should have given them another Final Fantasy.


Codex's Heretic
Feb 2, 2007
Terra da Garoa
Yeah, and the additional content sucked even gameplay-wise. One of them was the worst FEDEX quest chain in gaming history... the entire area could be summed as "climb the same mountain up and down 5 times to find & deliver stuff".

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