Anthony Davis
Blizzard Entertainment
Oh God I waited for a year, hoping for PC release, then I bought it for the PS3 anyway and played seven times.
Should I buy it again?
That's a good idea. We may want to coordinate our efforts to incline the Rift.We need people who know what they are doing who can create competent pawns.
Expect me to have a very stylish pawn.What sort of pawns do you people run with?
That's a good idea. We may want to coordinate our efforts to incline the Rift.We need people who know what they are doing who can create competent pawns.
What sort of pawns do you people run with?
Game is also available at Maybe with some voucher price should be lower than steam one as long it will let you pay in dollars or euro.
Expect me to have a very stylish pawn.
dressed to impress.
Loli mages.
A short fat hag that does nothing but heal and cast one elemental buff. Easiest to get useful behaviour that way.What sort of pawns do you people run with?
Though this time I'm thinking I'll make an archer pawn, I've heard they can become OP aimbotting snipers if trained properly.
Read on Pawn Inclination, it breaks down the potential AIs and how they come to be. Plus, if you plan for it, your pawn could have perfect inclinations from the beginning.Oh good, I'm not a complete moron. But then again, shit, how can I not make my pawn completely useless (since I usually like to have my pawn be an opposite)?
Would it be a good idea to train a pawn by example, then? Ex be a mage to have a decent pawn mage.