After exploring Limgrave, Mistwood, Caelid and Weeping Peninsula I finally felt properly levelled for Margit at lvl 40 
Went in with my +6 blood kahtanu, roflstomped all over his face.
Exploring Castle Stormveil, wow. Boletaria 2.0 in my Dark Souls PC game? Yes please.
Goddamn, so many secrets and side routes. I can't from the life of me figure out how to get this item: facing the Godrick summoning pool effigy look up left. There's a wooden walkway with an item and a doorway. How the fuck do I get there?
Godrick was whooping my ass for a while. He's the epitome of a modern FS boss - delayed attacks on steroids AND cocaine, flailing about, obviously, and AoEs, lot's and lot's of AoEs. Took me about 10 attempts, overall a good boss fight, except for that retarded walk-and-spew fire attack.
Except for Godrick I'm p. much one-shotting bosses and minibosses - Margit, Leonine, all the dungeon and mine stuff, dragons, giants....that katana with the blood ashes is a bit too retarded methinks. Were bleed builds always that good? I've never even tried any.
Overall 25 hours, having an absolute blast.

Went in with my +6 blood kahtanu, roflstomped all over his face.
Exploring Castle Stormveil, wow. Boletaria 2.0 in my Dark Souls PC game? Yes please.
Goddamn, so many secrets and side routes. I can't from the life of me figure out how to get this item: facing the Godrick summoning pool effigy look up left. There's a wooden walkway with an item and a doorway. How the fuck do I get there?
Godrick was whooping my ass for a while. He's the epitome of a modern FS boss - delayed attacks on steroids AND cocaine, flailing about, obviously, and AoEs, lot's and lot's of AoEs. Took me about 10 attempts, overall a good boss fight, except for that retarded walk-and-spew fire attack.
Except for Godrick I'm p. much one-shotting bosses and minibosses - Margit, Leonine, all the dungeon and mine stuff, dragons, giants....that katana with the blood ashes is a bit too retarded methinks. Were bleed builds always that good? I've never even tried any.
Overall 25 hours, having an absolute blast.