I'm a Dark Souls veteran ((I introduced him to the series a year ago...)) and I can say this… the game is beautiful, and the zones are amazing. THIS IS NOT A BAD GAME itself! Even the bosses are cool. The problem is, I am always unsure where I am supposed to go next. And I hate the default answers I get when I told people about this… if a game is annoying to figure out it becomes not fun very quickly.
Don’t bother telling me that the game DOES tells me where to go, or that I need handholding. I played ALL dark souls games, sekiro and bloodborne. I FUCKING ASSURE you, none of these games held my hand, and I still loved them. I don’t need handholding; I need what I’m doing to mean something! I DON’T need an arrow telling me where to go, I need it to have a point! Elden ring is vague as HELL about where I should check, and this means I am constantly feeling lost and purposeless. This has to do with what an open world is… Only 20% of the game is actually the main line of content, but the other 80% is NOT luxury bonus content, it is ACTUALLY where the fun is at for this kind of game, but its HORRIBLY boring to get around. The result? I am always lost, I don't know how to find new weapons, and rarely stumble upon them. This makes trying new build incredibly difficult. I feel like 90% of my gameplay is just running around on my horse looking for something ((sounds concerning)) and the other 10% is actually doing something (fighting a mini boss/boss of a small zone). That is one of the major features about level design that new developers need to learn. Good design leads you automatically and psychologically to the main destination. Even puzzles have to provide a degree of 'push in the right direction' or it's no fun, some people never do figure it out and just quit the game.
And I HATE the feeling of both being lost and leaving shit behind! I take the game slow. I look down over every cliff. I try to pay attention to my surroundings, looking for places to go. But I am always aimlessly wandering. I am NOT the kind of person who plays games to feel like that! It’s not fun, it’s not mysterious, and it’s a huge waste of my time. All this game gave me was a vague goal, with boring lore and hardly any sense of accomplishment, NOT AT ALL what dark souls did. THIS is what I mean when I say I feel the game doesn't have enough direction. Not because “the game doesn’t –tell– me” exactly, it DOES tell me for the main line, but the rest is scattered and boring to find! This is honestly one of the least fun souls games I've ever played. Yes, it's pretty. Yes, the combat CAN be fun but this game is designed to be so god damn intentionally frustrating. Eden Ring definitely suffers from an inability to easily show what options the player has. It’s a lot of “did I do this?” And “is this something I can do?” And “did I miss something in this area or am I wasting my time looking for nothing?”
To me, this game is a frustrating nightmare, and not because its hard (I like that), but worse, because its boring. The grace system leads you towards a main boss, but that’s NOT what you should even do to have fun, so then what? Wander for hours till you get a grasp while everyone tells you to do it another way? And if there's no story, I tune out and don't enjoy game anymore. I'm a story guy and usually, too much openness gets in the way of that.