Finished the game today, the last sequence of bosses is pretty ridiculous, to be honest. Last boss was very underwhelming.
Right now I rank it as the worst out of From's latest games, unfortunately. Yes, even worse than DS3. Mechanically it's a better game, but it just killed all my goodwill, I don't think I'd ever seen a game do that before. I wanted to finish it but I didn't feel like playing it at all.
Also, I'm the farthest thing removed from a storyfag but usually these games keep me at least somewhat interested in some of the story (Bloodborne had me really hooked) tidbits I glean from items, etc. Elden Ring was dry as shit and I didn't care at all about anything that was going on.
Anyway, if the devs had dialed way back on the repetition and made it about 40 hours shorter, it probably would have ranked among one of the best.
Fav bosses were Melania, Mohg and Astral (only 1 of those isn't recycled). Main story bosses were all weak except maybe for Margit and Godwyn because the first 20 hours of the game were great.
I don't see myself replaying this at all.
Radagon was also great, and his music theme is the best in the game, but I can understand not liking Elden Beast fight is quite tedious