Does anyone else feel like Ashes of War are the only thing that matters on a weapon? I was watching
a video today where a guy was ranking rare weapons in ER, and I noticed that he didn't spend a single second talking about the weapons' actual stats, only the Ash of War attached to them. It kind of confirmed a feeling I've had for a while: If weapons don't have some crazy AoE attached to them, damage output kind of doesn't matter, you aren't gonna use it. Which is kind of a shame, as it reduces all weapons to being about one thing.
This also brings me to another point, which is that weapon costumization in general feels bare bones. Many rare weapons come with a specific Ash of War that can't be removed, and I kind of dislike that design decision. Why not just let players attach whatever skill to their weapons they want to? Let us go nuts with the customization instead of reigning us in. Oh, and bring back armor upgrades please.