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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Jan 30, 2007
This build has all come together in the most satisfying way possible. I love it. I also love that, despite messing with respecs, I returned to my exact original stat distribution. So this build has evolved organically over the course of my adventure. Not a single stat point that was earned has been reallocated and there's nothing I want to change
I swear to God if you don't finish the game I'm going to find out where you live
Don't worry I already have a plan to continue this build into NG+. The AR on an 80 STR blood Greatsword is quite decent at 45 arcane, and the incantation scaling on the dragon communion seal +10 overtakes the Clawmark seal once I hit 30 arcane.

Putting that together I could still do my jump attacks with Royal Knight's resolve, with a respectable 771 AR, but then follow up with an R1 and probably proc bleed due to the 159 hemorrhage buildup I'd be getting. If that doesn't work I could just leave the Guts heavy and change the Stitcher to repeating thrust for when bleed is what's called for.

This isn't an unrealistic level of investment at all if I start NG+, but I've got to finish the game to get there. It will take a while yet. There are no optional bosses for me, no skippable dungeons. I'm not collecting everything, but I'm collecting almost everything. All remembrances even though I'm not using any of them. All summons even though I only use Tiche and the Jellyfish. Most of the weapons. This is a massive game so I'm not trying to rush to the finish.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Build paralisis is bad for your health. Just let it go you'll never get it perfect, and this game is more about skill than build anyway.
Mar 18, 2009
Oh shit, so the seal I need for Arcane scaling was way back in the beginning behind Stonesword Key lock that I didn't have key to before. There's no way I would've ever remembered that place if I didn't look up that seal.
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Mar 18, 2009
Leyndell sewers, the most confusing place in entire game so far. If I didn't know there was another boss to fight I would've fucked off after killing Esgar. Took me quite a bit of time and cursing before I found the elevator down to Forsaken Depths bonfire. DS1 sewers got nothing on this shit.


Jan 30, 2007
Build paralisis is bad for your health. Just let it go you'll never get it perfect, and this game is more about skill than build anyway.
Learning RPG mechanics is a skill. Taking a game that initially frustrates the shit out of me, learning its systems then utterly demolishing it - to me this is what is best in life. Outward, Kingmaker and soon to be Elden Ring.

It's rare to actually be satisfied with a build, this is true. But in this case I just killed some giant frost lobsters with 2 hits each, dealing over 3k damage per jump attack. This with levels still to add both to STR and my armaments. Perfect? Probably not. I'm sure someone will post a screen of themselves doing 20k damage per jump attack. The Codex is like that. Still, I'm more than happy with the results I've achieved here.
Mar 18, 2009
Helluva secret to hide behind the altar in Mohg, Blood Omen room. With my snuggling ho at the end of it. I guess she's connected to one of possible endings?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Heh, i was just thinking instead of doing a SL1 run to start as a confessor and make a SL10 run instead, mixing challenge and LARPing at the same time.

I know the prestige is in the SL1 challenge run but i'm also kinda itching of playing as a paladin again given the insane amount of faith based shit that's in the game. It's like i picked the wrong game to make an exception to my rule of always starting as a paladin first. I just saw the reward for the Elden Beast i just want to use that shit now.

I also want to make a character that i can take to NG+ as well. I finished the game at SL150 mostly to check out how the end game multiplayer was like with my bleed dude and i have no intention to go to NG+ with him as i think there's nothing to progress from there. The build is pretty much over at SL150 and aside for NG+ being harder i feel there's actually no reason to bother.

But if i finish normal game at SL10 i can then start leveling in NG+ and eventually end up with at least one toon that has collected everything in the game.


Jan 30, 2007
Heh, i was just thinking instead of doing a SL1 run to start as a confessor and make a SL10 run instead, mixing challenge and LARPing at the same time.

I know the prestige is in the SL1 challenge run but i'm also kinda itching of playing as a paladin again given the insane amount of faith based shit that's in the game. It's like i picked the wrong game to make an exception to my rule of always starting as a paladin first. I just saw the reward for the Elden Beast i just want to use that shit now.

I also want to make a character that i can take to NG+ as well. I finished the game at SL150 mostly to check out how the end game multiplayer was like with my bleed dude and i have no intention to go to NG+ with him as i think there's nothing to progress from there. The build is pretty much over at SL150 and aside for NG+ being harder i feel there's actually no reason to bother.

But if i finish normal game at SL10 i can then start leveling in NG+ and eventually end up with at least one toon that has collected everything in the game.
I mean if you're doing it primarily for your own experience then there would be jack shit felt difference between SL1 and SL10.

On the other hand there's nothing a confessor gets that you couldn't just buy from shops during your SL1 run and use in NG+. Confessor armour can be bought, the shield they get and the broadsword can too. I think they start with urgent heal and flame sling. A level 1 wretch can cast both of these. You'd be a confessor, just a wretched SL1 confessor. You could spend all your runes from the first run on boiled crab then enter NG+ with no runes. I think you'd have more fun if you sold all the gear you'd picked up beforehand too and waited to find it during your adventure.

You'd probably hit way above SL10 after killing your first enemy. Not sure if you've tried the wretch start but the first 10 levels come very fast in NG. In NG+ probably 1 enemy would take you to level 30 or something.

So you'd get your challenge run prestige and your NG+ roleplaying run without really compromising either.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
The confessor armor is like 500 hours away from the beginning.

Unlike previous Souls games, they made sure starting gear actually means something in this game as most of it can only be found way later in your playthrough which makes stuff like the confessor armor worth something if you want to start with that kind of fashion from the get go and enjoy it for a huge chunk of the game.

I mean sure for some of them you can just make a bee line to get them but i prefer not doing that kind of stuff. I mean imagine making a bee line to the Vagabond Set forget about it.

I will admit another reason is that so i can still enjoy some multiplayer. I just tried with both a Wretch and a Confessor and with the Wretch i got zero connections after a whopping two hours while with the Confessor i get summoned regularly for Tree Sentinel, the guy in the wolf cave and i even got summoned for a couple of low level PvP sessions. In about an hour i got a total of 9 rune arcs, which beats the hell out of having to grind rats to get them. Ho, i also totally picked the Shabriri's Woe as my starting Keepsake so i can do the Sentinel consistently without the host dying on me constantly. I suspect i could potentially be summoned for the entirety of Limegrave up to possibly even Stormveil. I remember when i was SL10 with my first toon i got summoned for Margit once so it's not bad.

In fact, i think i'll just occationally load this guy to do some multiplayer to stockpile on rune arcs while i play something else (was thinking of resuming or restarting my Pillars of Eternity run as i pretty much abandoned it to play Elden Ring lmao) so i can fresh up before going at it again. If they keep fixing stuff in the interim all the better.

I actually had half a mind of starting Sekiro but i just have to stay away from anything by From for a while. This game wore me down. I played DS2 and DS3 back to back and i wasn't as tired then as i am now lmao.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao, i got summoned to the Sentinel while i was typing that as i forgot the game was running so while we were doing it we got invaded by a guy who had obviously finished the game. He had the All-Knowing Set and a bunch of other shit. And to top it off, the try hard felt he had to gang us while we were engaged with the boss. Like it wasn't enough for him to be twinked out lul.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Lmao, i got summoned to the Sentinel while i was typing that as i forgot the game was running so while we were doing it we got invaded by a guy who had obviously finished the game. He had the All-Knowing Set and a bunch of other shit. And to top it off, the try hard felt he had to gang us while we were engaged with the boss. Like it wasn't enough for him to be twinked out lul.
Sometimes guys like that either got carried through by a friend or used a utility to give themselves all the gear.
Mar 18, 2009
Finally found Mohgwyn Palace. Took a teleporter there while exploring Consecrated Snowfields, area I had to look up how to get to because had no clue what to do after Castle Sol. And still got confused at the lift with showing the medallion, didn't realize I needed to switch to show "secret medallion". :lol:

Oh shit, Mohg is gonna take some tries, got completely raped first few times. No energy left to continue today.
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Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Mohg was one of my favored, and at the time i wasn't in a rush to finish the game so i got really good at dodging his stuff. Very fun boss, but you'll probably hate him if you are butthurt about delayed attacks.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
Lmao, i got summoned to the Sentinel while i was typing that as i forgot the game was running so while we were doing it we got invaded by a guy who had obviously finished the game. He had the All-Knowing Set and a bunch of other shit. And to top it off, the try hard felt he had to gang us while we were engaged with the boss. Like it wasn't enough for him to be twinked out lul.
Sometimes guys like that either got carried through by a friend or used a utility to give themselves all the gear.

Is the anti-cheat in this game that bad?

At first i assumed it was people who just finished the game as low level specifically to make twinks but i've had a few more PvP sessions and all of the people involved were twinked out so maybe that's what it is (that is they are using a mod or something to give themselves gear). I had a guy in full Banished set (the un-altered version) summon me and all the invaders were also twinked out as well as the blue guys he summoned to fight them. I had half a mind to go kill the Tree Sentintel to ruin their shit but i figured they'd probably kill me if i tried that lmao. So i watched them go for a bit to see if they were ALL like that and yep, the next two invaders and two blue guys were also twinks (and the guy with the All-Knowing Set showed up as well).


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Lmao, i got summoned to the Sentinel while i was typing that as i forgot the game was running so while we were doing it we got invaded by a guy who had obviously finished the game. He had the All-Knowing Set and a bunch of other shit. And to top it off, the try hard felt he had to gang us while we were engaged with the boss. Like it wasn't enough for him to be twinked out lul.
Sometimes guys like that either got carried through by a friend or used a utility to give themselves all the gear.

Is the anti-cheat in this game that bad?

At first i assumed it was people who just finished the game as low level specifically to make twinks but i've had a few more PvP sessions and all of the people involved were twinked out so maybe that's what it is (that is they are using a mod or something to give themselves gear). I had a guy in full Banished set (the un-altered version) summon me and all the invaders were also twinked out as well as the blue guys he summoned to fight them. I had half a mind to go kill the Tree Sentintel to ruin their shit but i figured they'd probably kill me if i tried that lmao. So i watched them go for a bit to see if they were ALL like that and yep, the next two invaders and two blue guys were also twinks (and the guy with the All-Knowing Set showed up as well).

I think the anti-cheat is mostly looking for stuff like guys with infinite health or are immune to damage, teleport hacking and stuff like that. Also (hopefully) so they can't edit your saved game and inventory and stuff to get you banned.

The way it was done in DS3 is through a modded in vendor that held everything in the game, so you just picked up everything you wanted + upgrade materials, etc. A lot of those pvp streamers used shit like that, so even when they were good, they also had the advantage of as much equipment as they wanted, upgraded to whatever they wanted, etc.

So the character is "legal" but you could essentially leave the opening with something like two hands of malenia +10 or something, for instance. I'm not 100% sure they've got one up and running for Elden Ring, but it's sure seemed like it based on streams going on shortly after the game launched.


Jan 30, 2007
I've taken a day off the game, but its been on my mind. I'm thinking about Malenia, planning how I'd beat her. I think I've got it. Here's the idea:

Talismans: Blue dancer charm, claw talisman, lord of blood's favor, kindred of rot's exultation.
Clothing: Raptor's black feathers and nothing else, not even trousers.
Armaments: Primary weapon heavy star fist with royal knight's resolve, secondary dagger with seppuku. Offhand Clawmark seal.

At the start of the fight I'd throw a shit pot away from her to poison myself, eat exulted flesh, cast golden vow and FGMS then seppuku. I've seen videos where at the start Malenia takes ages to aggro and just slow walks towards you. So hopefully I'd have time to do this. From there I'd have 20 seconds to switch to the fists, RKR and jump attack her. I'm hoping this would one shot her first phase, though a second or even third jump attack may be needed. I'd need to practice my buffing sequence because I only get one chance to beat Malenia first try. If it doesn't work I may as well just fight her properly with my normal gear.

In the second phase I'm thinking I run away. I think she does a big attack at the start of the phase and this may give me time to summon Black Knife Tiche and drink a blue. From there I figured I'd just dodge roll like crazy until she aggros on Tiche. Once she's on Tiche I should try to proc frost with Dragonice, then probably run away more until I can set up again. From there I've seen a rumor that Rotten breath is affected by blue dancer, given it's pure physical. So maybe seppuku and shit pot again and try that? I know she's immune to rot, but if she's aggrod on Tiche it could be a safe way to get the finish. Or I could just try to jump attack her back when she's attacking Tiche. That could be a lot simpler, but it's risky because I've seen a lot of clips of her one shotting people.

The visualization phase is hard because I've never fought her, only seen vids. It's a high risk plan and very precise. Not much chance I'd get it first try. But how awesome would it be if I did?


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
I'd need to practice my buffing sequence because I only get one chance to beat Malenia first try.
Not much chance I'd get it first try. But how awesome would it be if I did?

I love your enthusiasm, but beating Malenia on the first try is just something outside the realm of possibilities.

From there I'd have 20 seconds to switch to the fists, RKR and jump attack her. I'm hoping this would one shot her first phase, though a second or even third jump attack may be needed.
She has roughly 18k HP, you would need to deal 6k damage with each jump attack, while my guess is with that setup you would deal around 2k damage with each jump (and you'd need to reapply RKR every time).


Jan 30, 2007
I'd need to practice my buffing sequence because I only get one chance to beat Malenia first try.
Not much chance I'd get it first try. But how awesome would it be if I did?

I love your enthusiasm, but beating Malenia on the first try is just something outside the realm of possibilities.

From there I'd have 20 seconds to switch to the fists, RKR and jump attack her. I'm hoping this would one shot her first phase, though a second or even third jump attack may be needed.
She has roughly 18k HP, you would need to deal 6k damage with each jump attack, while my guess is with that setup you would deal around 2k damage with each jump (and you'd need to reapply RKR every time).
The reason I'm going for the fists is because I saw a YT video where it explained that there's an interaction effect between dual weapons and determination, which I assume would also apply to RKR. I don't remember how it works, something to do with the two weapons doubling the buff or something. The dude in the vid had 80 STR and was using a heavy katar with raptor's black feathers, blue dancer and claw talisman, buffing with only Golden Vow and FGMS. It's been a while since I saw it, but he was getting somewhere in the region of 7k damage per jump attack.

As far as doing RKR before every attack, I already do that. I've been playing like that for a while now. My character hops around like a flea chopping enemies with his big sword then either follows up with R1 or double rolls away, RKRs again and does another jump. The problem with my plan is range. I'm used to a very long weapon. It's highly likely that unless I train a lot with the fists I just jump in front of Malenia and get one shot during my recovery. There's also the short window where all the buffs are active and the reliance on luck to not just get cut out of the air during that critical first jump. Or I may be misinformed about her AI and she may just butcher me during my initial buffing process.

It's not going to work but I'm going to try. I try to win every fight, even the grafted scion at the start with my club and loincloth. I've never even come close to winning that one. But amazing shit can happen when you do just try.

I always head straight for Margit at SL1 or 2 so I can die, rest at the grace and get access to Roundtable Hold to buy incantations and stuff. But I always try to win. I am not a skilled player, and this was a 1/1000 thing that I've never replicated, but one time I did win. Shirtless and SL2 with a Lordsworn's straight sword that can't have been more than +2. He aggrod on Roger and the jelly and I squared off into his back, stance breaking and critting him again and again while Roger poured on the damage. It was a triumph, and I got a ton of levels out of it.

Always try your best to win. No matter the actual odds.

Also, even when my brilliant plan fails and I have to retry and fight her, the Guts is putting out 3k to 3600 ish damage per buffed RKR jump, depending on the enemy. This is at +22 with 73 STR and without physick or consumable buffs, just Golden Vow and FGMS. If I can get to +25 and 80 STR before the fight and chomp a couple of consumables I'm confident I could beat her legitimately with enough attempts. But I don't want to beat her legitimately. I want to demolish her with munchkinism first try.
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Aug 22, 2012
The Eye of Terror
Not much chance I'd get it first try. But how awesome would it be if I did?

Also, I don't know about her second phase, but during her first phase she is 100% susceptible to Rot. It's just that she's extremely resistant to it, to the point that it's barely worth it.

But really, just walk in there with nothing but your balls and sword and learn her the proper way before resorting to cheese, you'd hate yourself if you beat her first try hiding behind Tiche.
Mar 18, 2009
Mohg was one of my favored, and at the time i wasn't in a rush to finish the game so i got really good at dodging his stuff. Very fun boss, but you'll probably hate him if you are butthurt about delayed attacks.

Delayed attacks are nothing, it's fairly easy to deal with those. It's the constant blood incantation spam that's most annoying to me. Especially that shit where he deletes my health bar while refilling his own - how do you git gud at dodging that? Because I have no clue how to avoid it. I tried sprinting away as far as possible during that but it doesn't seem to do anything.


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Delayed attacks are nothing, it's fairly easy to deal with those. It's the constant blood incantation spam that's most annoying to me. Especially that shit where he deletes my health bar while refilling his own - how do you git gud at dodging that? Because I have no clue how to avoid it. I tried sprinting away as far as possible during that but it doesn't seem to do anything.
You either drink flasks through the entire animation or use the Purifying Crystal Tear. I don't think there's any other way, since last time I tried the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear didn't work.
Mar 18, 2009
Oh ok, I do have that Purifying Crystal Tear in my inventory. I'll try it next time I sit down with this game. I would probably think this is a great boss if I really enjoyed that dodge based combat of ER. But I don't. I think it's an improvement over utter dogshit combat of DS III, but still not fun enough for me to go really tryhard on it. Souls combat was enjoyable to me during DS1/2 times, but it doesn't do it for me anymore since it has become much faster and bosses started having longer combos. I'll give it maybe an hour more of trying to kill him "proper" way and if I still don't get close to killing him I'll just use Mimic Tear. I do feel a bit anxious to get this game over with, it's fucking 100 hours in already.
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Mar 18, 2009
So how do you do it without dodge? Greatshields? Because one hit of his usually takes away more than half my HP, and I have VGR at 40.

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