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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Aug 30, 2016
Pronouns: rusts/rusty
Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Which things were ignored?
Women being evil.

Apart from that, what I miss most is NG+ adding something to the game. DS2 adds pieces of lore and changes in the enemies placement, while all the other games just increase enemies' HP and damage and call it a day.

Everything. He acts as though Dark Souls 2 isn't even cannon. I don't remember a single reference to 2 in 3 except I think maybe one of it's DLC's has Harvest Valley in it. That was it.
At the very least, there are the Shield of Want and a bunch of armor sets (Lucatiel's, Faraam, and Drang) that directly reference DS2.


Aug 3, 2017
I heard cancer Miyazaki wants to go in a different direction from what From Software is known for.
You mean like with Demon's Souls?
I don't trust the guy. I worship the games he's made but lost a lot of respect for him after the blatant disrespect he showed towards Dark Souls 2 by basically ignoring all the great and wonderful things it introduced to the franchise with Dark Souls 3. He's spiteful towards it because it was better than his game so he went out of his way to make an inferior sequel.

Which things were ignored?
Everything. He acts as though Dark Souls 2 isn't even cannon. I don't remember a single reference to 2 in 3 except I think maybe one of it's DLC's has Harvest Valley in it. That was it. And he left out powerstance in favor of the shitty weapon skill thing. Completely unforgivable. Everything in 3 was dumbed down compared to 2.

There are a lot of items from DS2 in DS3, and one NPC (Creighton). Not sure what the problem is? You wanted a DS2 zone copy-pasted into DS3? Like Anor Londo or firelink? Which one is iconic enough? An enemy like the silver knights? A boss reference like the Abyss watchers or Aldrich? Which boss/enemy from DS2 is iconic enough to reference over DS1 bosses? I'll tell you. None. Not to mention DS3 being a compilation of leftover Bloodborne assets + all the references and copy-pasted material from previous games are the reason why the game is so lame. We needed less of both DS1 and DS2 in DS3.

Powerstancing is back in ER so it's not like they thought the idea is some kind of irredeemable trash that needs to be scrapped. There were probably other reasons for scrapping it like time constraints, and confusion on what the fuck the game even is supposed to be. I'm actually replaying DS3 right now for the first time since release. And I'm just thinking there is zero reason for this game to even exist. Considering we got Sekiro and ER after it, there was no way they couldn't tell what they are making is pointless. It was clearly forced by someone (Bamco?). The lords of Cinder not wanting to link the fire anymore is Miyazaki telling us he doesn't want to work on Dark Souls anymore?

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
He obviously never wanted to make any sequel to DS1 and was forced into it. So he handed over DS2 to somebody else and when that game was panned for being a janky clusterfuck he did DS3 with is his own team again but clearly his heart wasn't entirely in it.


I heard cancer Miyazaki wants to go in a different direction from what From Software is known for.
You mean like with Demon's Souls?
I don't trust the guy. I worship the games he's made but lost a lot of respect for him after the blatant disrespect he showed towards Dark Souls 2 by basically ignoring all the great and wonderful things it introduced to the franchise with Dark Souls 3. He's spiteful towards it because it was better than his game so he went out of his way to make an inferior sequel.

Which things were ignored?
Everything. He acts as though Dark Souls 2 isn't even cannon. I don't remember a single reference to 2 in 3 except I think maybe one of it's DLC's has Harvest Valley in it. That was it. And he left out powerstance in favor of the shitty weapon skill thing. Completely unforgivable. Everything in 3 was dumbed down compared to 2.
Which boss/enemy from DS2 is iconic enough to reference over DS1 bosses? I'll tell you. None.
Uh did you not play the DLCs? All of those bosses were great. Fume Knight is a big fan favorite.


Mar 28, 2014
he did DS3 with is his own team again but clearly his heart wasn't entirely in it.

? It is a bit faster than i like but lore wise, character wise etc. it is perfect sequel to DS1 and perfect ending of DS series. DS1 was the start of series and effectively lore while DS3 was about the end of series and lore. It is hard to really separate DS1 from DS3 without making each worse in process.

Well i guess it depends also on who played what first. For me DS was just a good clone of Deamon's Souls. For other people it was their first souls game.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
he did DS3 with is his own team again but clearly his heart wasn't entirely in it.

It is hard to really separate DS1 from DS3 without making each worse in process.
I'm not sure about this point, but otherwise yeah. DS3 is an effective end of the series. As I've often said, I especially like the toilet bowl flush of the beginning of the Ringed City DLC. If that doesn't tell you what's going on, nothing does. :lol:
Beyond that, the zone change before the Gael fight is pretty awesome, where the entire world is completely done and it's just you and him in this post-post apocalyptic hellscape.

Dark Souls was always meant to be a re-imagination of Demon's Souls except under From's control since Demon's Souls is the property of Sony.


Everytime somebody references something from Dark Souls 3 I have to youtube it because I remember almost nothing from that game. Any other FromSoft game, I'll know what you're talking about almost immediately but very few things from Dark Souls 3 stuck with me. The game is just super forgettable.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
Everytime somebody references something from Dark Souls 3 I have to youtube it because I remember almost nothing from that game. Any other FromSoft game, I'll know what you're talking about almost immediately but very few things from Dark Souls 3 stuck with me. The game is just super forgettable.
Um... try playing it sober? But yeah, I have a few games like that for me. Like when people talk about parts of the NWN campaigns - I've completed all of them. Remember almost nothing other than hating them.

Zed Duke of Banville

Dungeon Master
Oct 3, 2015
The First Flame quickly fades.
Darkness will shortly settle.
But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.
Like embers, linked by lords past.

Ashen One, hearest thou my voice, still?

This is about all I remember from Dark Souls 3, and I played it just two years ago.

Child of Malkav

Feb 11, 2018
The only things I liked in DkS3 were the bosses and the music for their respective fights. BB, DkS3 and Sekiro are incredible when it comes to boss fights.


Jun 22, 2013
when I think of good DS3 bosses I mostly think of the DLC. Campaign brings to mind, sockpuppet intro, tree, wizard lady, cathedral mob, disappointing Yhorm...etc


Jun 22, 2013
Everytime somebody references something from Dark Souls 3 I have to youtube it because I remember almost nothing from that game. Any other FromSoft game, I'll know what you're talking about almost immediately but very few things from Dark Souls 3 stuck with me. The game is just super forgettable.
DS3 is definitely the Metroid Prime 3 of the trilogy. I barely remember it, don't enjoy myself as much when I (re)played it.


Everytime somebody references something from Dark Souls 3 I have to youtube it because I remember almost nothing from that game. Any other FromSoft game, I'll know what you're talking about almost immediately but very few things from Dark Souls 3 stuck with me. The game is just super forgettable.
DS3 is definitely the Metroid Prime 3 of the trilogy. I barely remember it, don't enjoy myself as much when I (re)played it.
I think I tried replaying it a few years ago and made it to the cancer tree. The things I mainly remember from it are the opening "tutorial" area and the Bloodborne area, which I remember because it was ripped from Bloodborne. And I kind of remember the shiny city place because visually it was a cool area. Oh and giant crabs. Elden Ring reminded me of the giant crabs.


Aug 3, 2017
You wanted a DS2 zone copy-pasted into DS3?

We got this with the ruins of Harvest Valley area. It was even a pretty cool nod while being its own thing.

Huh, I forgot almost everything about DS3 after I played it. This is the last DLC right? I'm currently at Aldrich on my playthrough. Strange, because when I replayed DS2 last year I remembered almost everything (also didn't replay it since release). Anyway, then there's even less reason for SumDrunkGuy to complain.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
You wanted a DS2 zone copy-pasted into DS3?

We got this with the ruins of Harvest Valley area. It was even a pretty cool nod while being its own thing.

Huh, I forgot almost everything about DS3 after I played it. This is the last DLC right? I'm currently at Aldrich on my playthrough. Strange, because when I replayed DS2 last year I remembered almost everything (also didn't replay it since release). Anyway, then there's even less reason for SumDrunkGuy to complain.
Yeah it's part of the Ringed City which is the last DLC.


Huh, I forgot almost everything about DS3 after I played it.
That seems to be the common theme here.

Anyway, then there's even less reason for SumDrunkGuy to complain.
I can admit I get overdramatic sometimes. My burning passion for Dark Souls 2 rivals that of a thousand suns and Dark Souls 3 tends to be the red headed stepchild that takes the brunt of my abuse. I don't actually hate that game. I liked it a lot infact, I just forgot everything about it.

Lyric Suite

Converting to Islam
Mar 23, 2006
I played the first couple of Armored Cores on PS1 emulator (original plus what i think was an expansion). They weren't bad, but the tank controls and tiny levels made me quit the series after those two. One funny thing i noticed is that the writing (such as there was, descriptions etc) was worst in the expansion than the first game. Doesn't mean anything but i thought it was curious.

Supposedly the one on PS2 is the good one? Might try it one of this days. I guess the series makes them money because it seems they have never let it go.

If they really wanted to be ballsy they'd make a new King's Field. Now that would be shocking. Armored Core? Elden Ring 2? Meh, who wouldn't have guessed.


Jun 14, 2016
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Supposedly the one on PS2 is the good one? Might try it one of this days. I guess the series makes them money because it seems they have never let it go.
The good one is Armored Core: For Answer. The one in PS3 (directed by Miyazaki)


Supposedly the one on PS2 is the good one? Might try it one of this days. I guess the series makes them money because it seems they have never let it go.
Maybe Armored Core 2? That was the one I played the shit out of. I didn't care much for Armored Core 3 and then I don't think I ever played another one after that.


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I've never played any Armoured Core games. From what I've seen in the past, they look like holding down circle strafe and shooting rapid fire energy balls and missiles and shit at some other "mecha" that you can't really see any details of while it does the same to you. Eventually one of you explodes.

What have I missed?


I've never played any Armoured Core games. From what I've seen in the past, they look like holding down circle strafe and shooting rapid fire energy balls and missiles and shit at some other "mecha" that you can't really see any details of while it does the same to you. Eventually one of you explodes.

What have I missed?

Can't say for sure. I was a child when I played them and a child's opinion is often wrong. But I know that at the time I thought giant robots and jet packs were the coolest things ever, and the mechs also had an energy sword thing that came out of their arm so I basically viewed Armored Core 2 as God at the time. That's the best answer I can give ya.

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