For what it's worth, I agree DS3 is a very problematic game. It has a terrible first half, terrible NPC quests, and terrible world design and plot. The sequence sacrifice road-cathedral of deep-farron swamp is the worst I've seen in any videogame, the color palette alone puke inducing.
But the game has it's merits. World opens up in second half, boss selection is fairly great, and the fighting system works for them and the tough normal enemies (outriders, pope knights, carthusans, corvians, ringed knights, etc). These qualities are what make me come back to it for an yearly playthrough.
DS3 being half-good is already better than full Elden Ring to me. The later big and boring open-world, schizo bosses supposed to be cheesed by super kamihamihas weapon arts, and even more terrible plot, made me drop it and never look back.