Lyric Suite
Converting to Islam
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Long range parries are only viable in PvP or fighting NPC hunters to punish healing and a couple of special actions, in PvE shot parries are performed from a short distance 95% of the time. DS3 provides as much tools to deal with enemies as BB does. There's fast parries with smaller shields, and you already mentioned rolling, which works the same way in BB as well.I think the point @Child of Malkav is tryin to make is that Bloodborne has a more cohesive system in place, where the player is given a comprehensive set of tools to counter whatever the enemies throws at him. DS3 on the other hand feels a bit schizo in that devs took the super aggressive enemies and crowds from BB without adjusting the tools at the player's disposal. The parrying is a good example: in BB it's fast, safe and long range (guns) while in DS3 parrying feels so fucking slow and laggy that's a much less effective tool, making everybody rely on that shitty barrel rolling spam instead.
I never played BB but my impression of DS3 is that they tired to make a Dark Souls game out of a system (that of Bloodborne) that wasn't designed for it. I still liked DS3 a great deal and i thought the boss design at least was slick as hell. But the way poise and hyperarmor worked for instance just didn't feel right to me. The fact you could wear literal slabs of stone and feel like you were wearing paper unless you were swinging was just illogical. Also, it's annoying R1 spamming was basically all you needed to do.
Elden Ring, as far as i'm concerned, actually fixed some of those issues and implemented some of those mechanics in a way that feels more organic. Also, armor feels like armor again. Poise is back now and the defences of the armor actually make a difference, especially the resistances. Physical defences are still a bit underwhelming (vitality is still king over defence) but you can actually feel it when you have a lot of it. In Dark Souls 3, it didn't really matter how much defence you had. It literally meant nothing. All that mattered is that you had all the armor slots filled with something.