So, reached Rellana and got my ass handed to me for about 30 minutes trying to kill her with my Greatsword, then decided to cheap out again and went to farm runes from albanaurics in the Mohgwyn Palace. Grinded out 5 levels and invested them to END to bring it up to 40 (I'm level 171 now), before crafting my Seluria's Tree Greatspear up to +9 and the Fingerprint Shield up to +25. Went back in and poked her to death first time (with the help of the Needle Knight cover-girl NPC).
Thing is, I know I'm utter shit at this game but if I can cheese my way through it with a bit of grinding and some luck, literally anyone can.
I really can't see how far more accomplished players than me can be struggling so hard and writing such bad reviews...