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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


Feb 20, 2021
My lvl 232 char with light load needs 6800 physical dmg to die and at med load 9000
There is no way that's true. There simply isn't that much mitigation in the game, not in a way that stacks like that unless you're including retarded shit like buffs that last less than 10 seconds or prevent you from rolling.
Here’s a video on how powerful stacking vigor and defense can be:

It can get pretty crazy, even without the 5-10 second buff shenanigans before the very end.

This reminds me how back in the day people used to joke how you need a wiki opened to beat the game and how we mocked DarksidePhil or Yahtzee for making such a claim.

Today the souls community will openly admit the game uses a funky method to calculate damage mitigation that openly misleads the player about the damage reduction they are actually getting or is even possible and still call it "SKILL ISSUES". How the times have changed.


Jun 15, 2009
I'm bored with the thorns. They're an amazing noob slayer but get hard countered by your opponent actually having a brain.

I'm thinking I'll respec to fth/int and use the staff of the great beyond. If I do that I can add something like wrath of gold to the build to punish people who rush me when I do the thorns. I'd lose around 15% damage on my thorns if I do this, and a small amound of melee damage as well. The versatility is probably worth it.

Against skilled players I'm getting a lot more mileage out of my Fire Knight's Greatsword. No kidding right? It has a neutral R1 into R1 true combo and dumb AR when flame art infused. But doing melee with no poise and negations in the low 20s is a long way from optimal. As is using an ultra greatsword without a viable offhand weapon. So this build should keep casting as its primary mode of attack.
Don't waste your time with that staff; it only scales to 352 max, with D, B, B scaling. I already read a guide saying it's lame and they reverted a save to recover the upgrade material. Casters don't get many new toys of worth. The only thing was the thorn, which was hilarious in PvP, but it's likely to be nerfed.Finger magic is ok, i guess, everything else is lame and unusable. The new moons? Really, what's the point? It's slow, close-range, and immobilizes you for far too long.
I've looked at it in a build planner. The staff of the guilty is getting 305 at 80 faith but boosts the thorns by 15% per staff. If I were to swap one staff for staff of the great beyond at 45/45 I'd be getting 309 but not the 15% to thorns. I'd still get the passive from the other thorn staff. 309 is fine considering its an omni-catalyst. You don't expect something that can cast both sorceries and incantations to be best in class, it just lets you simplify your loadout so its more useable under pressure. Like in a boss fight or a gank I don't want to try to cast with the wrong tool. I'd trade some spell buff for that.
If you want to boost the thorn more, you need the Staff of the Guilty in one hand, but in the other hand, pick one that scales with Arcane and Intelligence instead. The new Maternal Staff scales to 412, or you can use the Albinauric Staff. Arcane is good for bleed.


May 21, 2011
Today the souls community will openly admit the game uses a funky method to calculate damage mitigation that openly misleads the player about the damage reduction they are actually getting or is even possible and still call it "SKILL ISSUES". How the times have changed.
Huh? The reduction formula is absolutely standard and the game even does the math for you. Why are you talking about misleading?


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Today the souls community will openly admit the game uses a funky method to calculate damage mitigation that openly misleads the player about the damage reduction they are actually getting or is even possible and still call it "SKILL ISSUES". How the times have changed.
Huh? The reduction formula is absolutely standard and the game even does the math for you. Why are you talking about misleading?
Enemy: Deals fire damage
Accessory: Reduces fire damage

Codexers: How does this even work?!


Feb 20, 2021
Huh? The reduction formula is absolutely standard and the game even does the math for you. Why are you talking about misleading?
The reduction as done from your final defense but the way individual defenses stack up is deceptive because its not purely additive.

Its right at 3:40 mark, he straight up tells you that due to how the game calculates damage reduction a numerical increase of 16 points can actually be more than 20 points. Hence giving people a misleading idea of what the negation values actually do for them.
Later he even shows off at 4:08 a graph showcasing how the effective HP stays for the most part barely affected by negation until it literary skyrockets at 85. Which means that the at the start of the game when you occupy the lower negation values the increases in effective HP are so negligible it easily misleads people into thinking that armor does not matter because well the early game armor simply does not beef them up enough to showcase how far the system can be pushed.

Did you even watch the video? The whole point of it is that people in general did not get how damage negation works because the math behind it everything but straight forward.


Nov 22, 2015
Outside of Dragon's Dogma, what action RPG has better combat? Pure action games and action games wearing RPG skins (Nioh) are better on that front of course, but nothing that's a full RPG comes to mind.
What kind of degenerate nonsense is this? Nioh 2 is far more of an RPG game than From shit. You only say this because Nioh also has a fantastic aggressive style combat system that needs to be mastered on top of the RPG elements, and maybe also because it's mission based, neither of these things invalidating or diminishing its status as an RPG. It has more RPG elements/mechanics, builds and modifiers you can toy around with and that's not even close. These are both combatfag games, so you cannot even argue that there's RPG mechanics outside of combat other than From's """"quests"""" (lmao)

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I want those rewards because they offer major gameplay enhancements like life regen


immunities to status elements

abilities that trigger at full health, critical health

multiply the power of bombs

aerial attacks

We both know almost everything you linked here is absolute garbage nobody uses outside of niche self imposed challenge runs or extreme gimmick setups. Fromsoft's version of 'status resistance' actually makes the status last longer on you once it triggers, and does nothing to reduce the buildup at all or improve the recovery time before it kicks in. You're going to compare that to having outright immunity from an ailment by using a fraction of your build? In what world is that a major gameplay enhancement? Everything else on the list is similarly outclassed by it's equivalents in better games where equipment actually matters. I think the only decent thing you listed in there was prayerful strike, which actually restores a halfway useful amount of health if you can land it.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
Outside of Dragon's Dogma, what action RPG has better combat? Pure action games and action games wearing RPG skins (Nioh) are better on that front of course, but nothing that's a full RPG comes to mind.
What kind of degenerate nonsense is this? Nioh 2 is far more of an RPG game than From shit. You only say this because Nioh also has a fantastic aggressive style combat system that needs to be mastered on top of the RPG elements, and maybe also because it's mission based, neither of these things invalidating or diminishing its status as an RPG. It has more RPG elements/mechanics, builds and modifiers you can toy around with and that's not even close. These are both combatfag games, so you cannot even argue that there's RPG mechanics outside of combat other than From's """"quests"""" (lmao)
I watched a Nioh speedrun where the guy used nothing but high stance axe heavy attacks to kill every enemy in the game.


Oct 24, 2019
I watched a Nioh speedrun where the guy used nothing but high stance axe heavy attacks to kill every enemy in the game.
And you can probably beat any DMC on normal just using Stinger, NG spamming Flying Swallow, etc. Speedrun on normal difficulties is not a good indicative of the quality of a combat system, regardless of game, be it ER or Nioh or whatever. Specially for Team Ninja games. Otherwise I could just reduce ER combat to "spam AoW" like many speed runners do, and as flawed the combat system may be, we both know it is more than that. Speedrunners will use degenerate tactics and build to achieve maximum speed. That without mentioning the difference in tactics from different players. Eyeing some myself, I see many that use katanas, different stances, spells and skill. Even some "Axe only" run use different attacks in high stance and change to others for dodging and defense. Also Axe is a very High stance oriented, hyperarmor weapon, simplistic but effective.

If you have any experience with Team Ninja games, you would also know that they introduce numerous changes at higher difficulties. Just as Master Ninja in NG I and II are very different than normal, so are the higher "Ways of" in Nioh.

And even then, better a system that allows for mastery with a high ceiling even if it is not strictly required, that having none at all. His point stands. Nioh is deeper both in combat and RPG elements, and specially Nioh 2 with its more refined mechanics.


Dec 4, 2019
I watched a Nioh speedrun where the guy used nothing but high stance axe heavy attacks to kill every enemy in the game.

That's a fair point, but how many videos have been made these last two years with the premise of "Can I beat Elden Ring with only ___________" and the player actually succeeding?


Philosoraptor in Residence
Sep 30, 2009
Combatfag: Gold box / Pathfinder
Codex 2012 Codex+ Now Streaming! MCA Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I watched a Nioh speedrun where the guy used nothing but high stance axe heavy attacks to kill every enemy in the game.

That's a fair point, but how many videos have been made these last two years with the premise of "Can I beat Elden Ring with only ___________" and the player actually succeeding?
I think they have. The main issue is just that the game is so fucking long. :lol:


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
At least Elden Ring doesn't make you sift through 1000 trash loot items every five minutes just to upgrade from 3% damage boost to 3.1% damage boost.

Nioh is deeper both in combat and RPG elements,
Nioh doesn't even have a proper magic system.

The argument doesn't stand because if you can win an entire game by spamming one attack it doesn't matter how many moves there are, they're all pointless. It's all just window dressing tricking you into wasting your time. Which was the same argument made about Elden Ring's armor system, which is just plain wrong. Typically even SL1 gimmick runs still exploit some clever combo of weapons, accessories, spells, and buffs, none of which are remotely required to win Nioh.


Jan 25, 2022
ughh 80 hours in 2 weeks i need to cut myself off from this damn game
last few days i've had non-stop dreams of playing elden ring wtf

don't know the last time a game's grabbed me by the dick so hard
literally have elden ring hangover rn fam fr fr rizz no cap ong

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Loot items in Nioh have skills in addition to damage or defense.
You also don't need to sift through shit in Nioh because you can set filters so you only see stuff that offers significant benefits.
The argument doesn't stand because if you can win an entire game by spamming one attack it doesn't matter how many moves there are, they're all pointless.
By this logic everything in souls games is pointless because you can win with R1 spam and a fist.


Sep 5, 2019
On a second playthrough and I'm realizing just how much exploration held the game up for me on the first run. It's still fun, but you can only get that sense of wonder and adventure once. Hoping the DLC will be like that again.

Also, have they made the game easier? I think the only fight I've had to spend a bit of time on were the twin gargoyles, everything else has felt easier.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Remember how people said Dark souls was becoming more like a shounen anime and had lost it's dark fantasy style?

Shadow of the Erdtree is a Iseaki shounen anime where a large monster and the hero throw magic spells/combat techniques at each other until one drops dead. Most are room clearing nukes and full your screen with particle effects.

Basically they were right.


Sep 5, 2014
We both know almost everything you linked here is absolute garbage nobody uses outside of niche self imposed challenge runs or extreme gimmick setups. Fromsoft's version of 'status resistance' actually makes the status last longer on you once it triggers, and does nothing to reduce the buildup at all or improve the recovery time before it kicks in. You're going to compare that to having outright immunity from an ailment by using a fraction of your build? In what world is that a major gameplay enhancement? Everything else on the list is similarly outclassed by it's equivalents in better games where equipment actually matters. I think the only decent thing you listed in there was prayerful strike, which actually restores a halfway useful amount of health if you can land it.
Everything in that list is at least situationally useful and sees use, aside from the HP regen equipment which is indeed shit. Some are outright meta like the Claw Talisman or Great Stars.


Jan 25, 2016
Wandering the world randomly in search of maps
By this logic everything in souls games is pointless because you can win with R1 spam and a fist.
Only for the very skilled. Heavy axe spam is so easy anyone can do it.

I recall after beating Nioh 2 I remarked it had become tedious and repetitive. I was told in fact that the "real" game didn't begin for two more entire playthroughs. The first three runs through the game are just filler. And that's according to the super fans.

Say what you want about Elden Ring, it's probably bloated and too big, but it doesn't waste your time like that.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Great stars is meta because it's a giant weapon you can use with weapon arts for a billion damage, not because you'll regain 00.5% of your hp when you hit something with it. Listing it as 'lifestealing' is total bullshit. Even using it with a weapon art that hits a dozen times it's barely noteworthy.

And while claw talisman is meta, it's still a small bonus; people were spamming jumping attacks before such things existed because jumping attacks are poorly balanced in souls games. Most everything people use in ER is like that- a minor bonus to something you'd be doing anyways without it. There are a handful of build defining things, like the staves that offer large multipliers when paired, which raise otherwise mediocre tactics to high tier shit.

Being 'situationally useful' in a game full of shit options isn't exactly a high bar to clear. Just because I used bestial vitality in my playthrough doesn't mean it wasn't barely effective dogshit that might have made a difference once out of every 100 times it was cast. Nobody is going to notice at a glance if someone is regaining a sliver of their health occasionally. You would definitely notice if someone playing Nioh had a lifesteal build, because they'll go from half dead to full health in a few seconds. Taking those elements away would cripple the build, not make it 20% slower.


May 21, 2011
The reduction as done from your final defense but the way individual defenses stack up is deceptive because its not purely additive.

Its right at 3:40 mark, he straight up tells you that due to how the game calculates damage reduction a numerical increase of 16 points can actually be more than 20 points. Hence giving people a misleading idea of what the negation values actually do for them.
There's nothing deceptive about a multiplicative system. It's perfectly clear and easy to understand as long as the game points it out. And since ER always shows the end result, it's quite obvious. There's no misleading idea unless you suck at basic math or you want to make a video longer than 10 mins.

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