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From Software Elden Ring - From Software's new game with writing by GRRM


May 13, 2007
Castle Rock
Did this tread just dwelled into complete dumpster with the biggest retards here arguing that keyboard+mouse is not better then gamepad for first person shooters? I thought I've seen everything. How retarded you must be to say keyboard sucks because you got fingers on wsad so you can't change weapons properly with numeric keys I don't even. That's why we got option to change input keys. Everyone who got more then one brain cell and a bit of dignity knows you don't change weapons with numeric keys, you bind them with q,e,shift,f. This way you are not forced to take your fingers off wsad. Jesus fucking Christ, this is so stupid my retard detector run out of scale. You need an analog key to change your movement speed? Walk, run and sprint is more then enough.
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Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
That's why we got option to change input keys. Everyone who got more then one brain cell and a bit of dignity knows you don't change weapons with numeric keys, you bind them with q,e,shift,f. This way you are not forced to take your fingers off wsad. Jesus fucking Christ, this is so stupid my retard detector run out of scale.
So you're pushing Q, E and F with your nose then? Because you have to have 3 fingers on W A/S and D and if you're moving one away you are literally taking a finger off.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
That's why we got option to change input keys. Everyone who got more then one brain cell and a bit of dignity knows you don't change weapons with numeric keys, you bind them with q,e,shift,f. This way you are not forced to take your fingers off wsad. Jesus fucking Christ, this is so stupid my retard detector run out of scale.
So you're pushing Q, E and F with your nose then? Because you have to have 3 fingers on W A/S and D and if you're moving one away you are literally taking a finger off.
I already explained to you that if you have your middle finger on W, that leaves your index and ring finger to press QERFC134X... now multiply this with SHIFT and then again with ALT... You get it yet? I didn't think I had to spell it out so plainly for you in my last post but seems like you need handrails to post on here.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
That's why we got option to change input keys. Everyone who got more then one brain cell and a bit of dignity knows you don't change weapons with numeric keys, you bind them with q,e,shift,f. This way you are not forced to take your fingers off wsad. Jesus fucking Christ, this is so stupid my retard detector run out of scale.
So you're pushing Q, E and F with your nose then? Because you have to have 3 fingers on W A/S and D and if you're moving one away you are literally taking a finger off.
I already explained to you that if you have your middle finger on W, that leaves your index and ring finger to press QERFC134X... now multiply this with SHIFT and then again with ALT... You get it yet? I didn't think I had to spell it out so plainly for you in my last post but seems like you need handrails to post on here.
Please Vic, tell us how retarded you are when you want to argue your fingers don't leave A and D to press other keys and thus leaving your movement options limited for brief time in order to push other buttons. While on a controller your thumb is exclusively for movement and never has to leave the stick.


Undisputed Queen of Faggotry Bethestard
Oct 24, 2018
That's why we got option to change input keys. Everyone who got more then one brain cell and a bit of dignity knows you don't change weapons with numeric keys, you bind them with q,e,shift,f. This way you are not forced to take your fingers off wsad. Jesus fucking Christ, this is so stupid my retard detector run out of scale.
So you're pushing Q, E and F with your nose then? Because you have to have 3 fingers on W A/S and D and if you're moving one away you are literally taking a finger off.
I already explained to you that if you have your middle finger on W, that leaves your index and ring finger to press QERFC134X... now multiply this with SHIFT and then again with ALT... You get it yet? I didn't think I had to spell it out so plainly for you in my last post but seems like you need handrails to post on here.
Please Vic, tell us how retarded you are when you want to argue your fingers don't leave A and D to press other keys and thus leaving your movement options limited for brief time in order to push other buttons. While on a controller your thumb is exclusively for movement and never has to leave the stick.
Listen, kid. Just shut the fuck up you are embarrassing yourself and you don't even know it. But just to answer you like I would a child: you don't need to keep your fingers on A and D because you move forward with W and turn left and right with the mouse. Some games have strafing and some don't, in either case you have at least 2 fingers available to press hotkeys and you rebind them according to the game and what is comfortable for you. The combination of hotkeys on a keyboard vastly exceeds what you can do on a controller.

Now just back off from this or I will ignore you for being the most retarded poster here right now.

Hell Swarm

Jun 16, 2023
Listen, kid. Just shut the fuck up you are embarrassing yourself and you don't even know it. But just to answer you like I would a child: you don't need to keep your fingers on A and D because you move forward with W and turn left and right with the mouse. Some games have strafing and some don't, in either case you have at least 2 fingers available to press hotkeys and you rebind them according to the game and what is comfortable for you. The combination of hotkeys on a keyboard vastly exceeds what you can do on a controller.

Now just back off from this or I will ignore you for being the most retarded poster here right now.
Please do block me Vic, your sad pathetic attempts to dick ride are boring and pathetic.

You still won't admit your wrong. 2 joysticks you never have to take your thumb off give more movement control than a keyboard you have to move your fingers off the movement keys to use. Objective truth and there's nothing you can do to change that.


Dec 4, 2019
Gracefully, like a multi-headed dick hitting ass and thigh.

I'll take your word for it. I don't watch hentai.

Hope none of you is playing Fromsoft games with a keyboard+mouse:shredder:

Feb 7, 2019
On the controller debate: Arguing that a controller is superior for an fps game is retarded. But analog input for stick and triggers do give it a leg up in some genres, mainly in vehicle games. I played a lot of Dirt Rally 2.0 and EA Sports Wrc where this really help precisely control the car. On my next Cyberpunk 2077 run I installed a lot of vehicles mods and switched to the controller while driving because of how bad k&m is to drive with no throttle control.

Played red dead 2 recently with a controller, and man trying to aim and shoot while Accelerating the horse and trying to keep it face plant a boulder is not fun during ambushes with several riders coming at you. But for on foot combat it worked decent with you having to issue reload, cover commands while running and aiming. But probably better on k&m.

And more on topic you are often force to play with a claw grip for Souls like and it's a But tedious that you can't even hold the controller right. Even worse in Greedfall because of the maze like levels so you have to constantly move the camera while pressing action button at the same time.


Jul 16, 2009
Hope none of you is playing Fromsoft games with a keyboard+mouse
I played DS I, II, III, and IIRC also Elden Ring keyboard only.

It's not really problem because most keyboards have numpad. (It's kinda weird that they are removing numpads and other stuff from modern keyboard.)


Mar 26, 2024
I can't describe this, but there's this special sensory and motoric experience when playing a souls game with a gamepad, where the left and right bumper sides of your gamepads control your left and right hands, which you miss while playing with mouse, as you control both of your hands with a single hand. I tried and sometimes even was forced (gamepad broke, had to wait for the end of the week for a new one to arrive) to play with a mouse and keyboard and after gamepad it was a miserable experience. Force feedback also adds a lot.

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