Pre-alpha. Aren't they supposed to release it in like nine months? Got a feeling this is going to be delayed.
Pre-alpha. Aren't they supposed to release it in like nine months? Got a feeling this is going to be delayed. said:Gamers can adjust controls and the difficulty of enemies (including the number of enemies, lock-on targeting, overall difficulty settings, etc.). One of the goals of the developer is to allow gamers to build their own game. They also want to remove everything that can remind you that you're in a game, such as loading screens or pausing action (including during combat).
Companions can be chosen at the player's home base for quests. A teleporter is available for traveling to/from home base, which is helpful considering that the game world is the biggest created by the developer by far. Players can reach everything in sight, and enter buildings or caves without load screens. Travel includes a jet pack for vertical exploration, and a quick travel option.
It's not as if I expected TB combat in a PB/Gothic-like game.
Jordan Helm said:It might all be a figurative loft of substance on paper
It's not as if I expected TB combat in a PB/Gothic-like game.
No, not TB but why inconvenience players by denying them to pause? Or do I misread this and it's merely a hint that the game isn't a RtWP game?
It's not as if I expected TB combat in a PB/Gothic-like game.
No, not TB but why inconvenience players by denying them to pause? Or do I misread this and it's merely a hint that the game isn't a RtWP game?
To not allow players abuse healing during the combat, or even changing weapon or Armour in 0s time. Unless it is diablo like the game should do what it can to prevent you from healing during combat, if you are good enough you will avoid taking damage, if you aren't they you should just die.
It's not as if I expected TB combat in a PB/Gothic-like game.
No, not TB but why inconvenience players by denying them to pause? Or do I misread this and it's merely a hint that the game isn't a RtWP game?
To not allow players abuse healing during the combat, or even changing weapon or Armour in 0s time. Unless it is diablo like the game should do what it can to prevent you from healing during combat, if you are good enough you will avoid taking damage, if you aren't they you should just die.
This has nothing to do with a way to pause the game though. If you are concerned about these things, just prohibit any interaction other than un-pause.