"shrug" To a sufficiently intelligent person, everything is simple, crude, and childish.
Don't go that way.. it's really simple
Same Star Wars thingy right? As you know it.
- The force isn't something you clench real hard to have come out of ya
- Tech has evolved (as is) immensely. Ergo the explanation for everything "science" related
- Said tech evolution has allowed mankind to artificially endow themselves with "mental" powers. Ergo
the "force" Psionics.
- One side (the Daaaaark, mean guys, boo hoo hoo) uses psionics for all their bad, evil, meanie things including imperialism, pretty much.
- The other strives to survive in relative peace, democracy, other librul shit. Has not as much access to psionics.
- Instead of pure evil, pure angel, you have a bit of a doubt, a bit of gray, a bit of relativism. As is in reality, or will be in ANY reality involving thinking beings (verisimilar).
Need i go on?
Same shit, except served properly. So yeah, it was fucking childish. Which is why i'm thankful i was a little shit when i first watched them, as i wouldn't have managed to now.