Kyl Von Kull I dunno if norse larpers are a good comparison to chivalry m80. I just can't reconcile the concept of orderly righteous person with pelt armor + zerker raaaaage. I'm also going off of how Paladins have been portrayed in other PB games and it's always been fire + innos + rules = armor.
I assumed the warlord armor is gettable since the intro splash screen shoes Jax in it, but that's pure assumption on my part (it's also the same that Caldrim, Cormag, and Agrim wear.)
Regardless, it's still weird that the names are repeated.
They clearly should've come up with a better name than Berserkers because that faction is literally all about following their incredibly rigid set of laws. The clerics have religion but they don't have much of an honor code--their belief system is all about pursuing technology, not moral rectitude; you never meet a cleric exile or see a cleric execution (granted, there's a ton of mind control, but does that sound very lawful good?). The Berserkers have a code and that code is very strict. As i see it, warrior ethos + strict code of behavior = paladin...
i think regent is a different rank from paladin like the equivalent of warlord fir berseker.
Adjudicator is the Cleric equivalent of Warlord. Paladin and Regent are used interchangeably in the english translation, but the final armor is regent armor.