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Elite: Dangerous


Pointing and laughing.
Dec 12, 2002
About 8 meters beneath sea level.
And I'll say it again. Sci-Fi is a genre that encompasses RAMA, Dune and Buck Rogers. Deal with it.


Jul 24, 2006
Max velocity is to keep people from being able to boost out of any situation with Flight Assist turned off. I'm sorry that this isn't Independence War 2. Not every game can be Independence War 2.

Seems people on the Elite forums are getting butthurt over more sensible reasons. Loss of ships, money, new annoying bugs. They nerfed gimballed lasers with this new build, which is good for PvP but bad for me, because I just scraped enough credits to get them and start farming. :(

They don't seem to understand that this is a Beta and not a demo or early access. The devs have already promised that there would be a full reset when the main game drops, so getting butthurt about losing your ships due to the station disappearing bug is just childish. The whole process is a test flight.

I can, however, afford twin multicannons for the sidewinder. Multicannon combat is pure incline.
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Jan 2, 2012
That doesn't make sense

You can't get away if your enemy can match your speed

If they can't then it's their error in picking the wrong ship/engine

Knowing when to flee takes some skill too

And what's the alternative any way? Being destroyed and reloading the game? That's much worse than being able to flee


Dec 4, 2012
You can easily escape even in the starter ship. It simply requires managing your power subsystems, timing your boosts right, and possibly jettisoning cargo to lighten the load. Anyways, gravity assisted slingshots and other such fun is on the roadmap.

Elite is currently suffering from the classic beta malaise: it looks and feels really slick, but 95% of the game mechanics aren't pushed to the public build yet.


Jul 24, 2006
You can easily escape even in the starter ship. It simply requires managing your power subsystems, timing your boosts right, and possibly jettisoning cargo to lighten the load.

The Sidewinder does have a pretty decent top speed, but it can still be overtaken by a player in a Cobra if they also manage their systems effectively. Top speed for the Sidewinder is 220 km/h while the Cobra is 280. I'm not complaining about it, because it's a nice touch and forces the prey to learn some evasive maneuvering while their cruise drive spools up.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I'm curious, do they have some kind of in game explanation for that velocity cap like I dunno ... your ship has a limited capability to fend off microscopic meteors flying around in the orbit of your target planet?
Even the most retarded bs in SciFi TV shows gets some kind of techno babble excuse so did they care enough to present something similar? If this was some fantasy game I would just say screw it and fuck those losers that care about realism but this is the long awaited sequel to Frontier (I couldn't care less about Elite 1 but I guess it had max velocity near speed of light just like Frontier). I want to be able to crash into space stations at 0,5c or else :argh:
It would annoy me to no end if it crapped on realism because the shitbrain hivemind thinks that "multiplayer has to be fun".
No, multiplayer doesn't have to be fun, in fact I don't even want any shitty multiplayer in my Elite.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I'm curious, do they have some kind of in game explanation for that velocity cap like I dunno ... your ship has a limited capability to fend off microscopic meteors flying around in the orbit of your target planet?
...despite your ship being heavily armoured and velocity cap being far below what is easily tolerated by current flimsy tincans of spacecraft and actually, far below minimum speed you need to stay in orbit.

There is no non-retarded way to explain this kind of shit away, the best you can do is have velocity cap quite a bit above the value player can reach by spending all the fuel.

It would annoy me to no end if it crapped on realism because the shitbrain hivemind thinks that "multiplayer has to be fun".
No, multiplayer doesn't have to be fun, in fact I don't even want any shitty multiplayer in my Elite.
DraQ said:
I don't need your fucking fun
Welcome to the fold.

Max velocity is to keep people from being able to boost out of any situation with Flight Assist turned off. I'm sorry that this isn't Independence War 2. Not every game can be Independence War 2.
That doesn't make sense

You can't get away if your enemy can match your speed

If they can't then it's their error in picking the wrong ship/engine

Knowing when to flee takes some skill too

And what's the alternative any way? Being destroyed and reloading the game? That's much worse than being able to flee

If you have built yourself a ship with superior acceleration, this is specifically so that you can engage and disengage at will, at the cost of other capabilities.
Preventing it simply fucks certain builds for no reason. If you want to pursue and destroy fleeing ships, you need a ship that can exceed their acceleration (or have missiles to spend), otherwise either try to shred them before they get chance to turn tail, cripple their propulsion, or be content to have just repelled them.


Jul 24, 2006
Dumb trader
That's the kind of person you could see grinding Sol<->Barnard's milkruns on autopilot until able to buy a panther with 100 shields, never bothering to actually learn to fly, then complaining that Newtonian combat is jousting at pixels back in original Frontier, am I rite?

Seems more like the kind of guy who would want to trade forever, even though he doesn't understand that you shouldn't put your entire bank account into your cargo. The thread is heightened by all the dweebs sympathizing with him, as if his butthurt was worth a thread post to begin with.

The hauler costs roughly around 50k, so he could just trade in to an Eagle and make his money back much faster plinking Federal fighters. The Hauler only has half the cargo space of a Cobra anyways. I've checked the trading apps that people have made for the Premium Beta, and the profit margins for anything less than the cargo space of a Lakon or Anaconda are abysmal. People with low cargo space have to make money through mining or piracy, but those systems aren't properly implemented yet so people who are doing trade runs are really just wasting their time.


Dec 4, 2012
Low cargo will have other avenues eventually as well. For example you will be able to make mad lucre by discovering new hyperspace routes, and small amounts simply by discovering efficiencies in existing ones when you make a jump.

Right now the is about as complex as EvE in terms of gameplay, and feels similarly constricted, but 95% of the actual game also isn't public yet. Lots of people over there are forgetting they didn't pay $150 for a complete game, as usual with these things. Maybe there'd be less mouth frothing if Frontier implemented a spaceship ponzi scheme to keep people occupied? :obviously:


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
I've always wondered why not release a beta to general public but let people unlock their saves for the full game if they contributed to the funding of the game, BTW.

You get more testers, more advertising, can sway undecided people and get feedback that isn't skewed in favour of your buggy or shitty implementation by having already invested money in your product and that might be useful when trying to get to the borderline naysayers.


Jul 24, 2006
I've always wondered why not release a beta to general public but let people unlock their saves for the full game if they contributed to the funding of the game, BTW.

I think the idea of having a for-pay Beta is to get higher quality people involved who will actually report bugs and submit support tickets. I hopped into the Premium Beta because I wanted to get that lifetime add-on pass. Alpha and Beta buyers are getting enough benefits for early adoption without letting them carry over the money they earned in Alpha and Beta play.

I'm not sure if "buyer's remorse" has any impact on people's response to the Beta. The Elite community is pretty vocal about what they feel is wrong with the mechanics, and Frontier has been pretty responsive to community feedback. Nerfing gimballed lasers is a big improvement for one thing, I just wish it had happened next week so I could farm into an Eagle. :(


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
The Elite community is pretty vocal about what they feel is wrong with the mechanics
Yes, but beta buyers is also people who felt the game is already awesome enough to shell out quite a bit of cash. That gives you some biased feedback.

If I was the developer I would be most interested in hearing from people who *almost* got to shell out cash, but decided not to - I would want to know the reason for their decision.

Keeping your saves would just be another carrot to wave in front of people, in lieu of beta access.


Jul 24, 2006
The Elite community is pretty vocal about what they feel is wrong with the mechanics
Yes, but beta buyers is also people who felt the game is already awesome enough to shell out quite a bit of cash. That gives you some biased feedback.

I don't know how you can avoid biased feedback tbqh. People who already paid out money are if anything going to be even more vocal about systems and mechanics that don't work. People who play a Beta for free are just going to be more aloof and may not even buy the game on the official release after feeling as though they got the necessary experience of the product.

Is the beta worth playing? Or rather, is it 120 euros worth playing?

Right now I'm living, breathing, and eating Elite because of this Beta. It's not going to be for everybody, but the combat mechanics as they're implemented are really fun and feel right.

My recommendation is to purchase the Beta if you think that you'll stick with the game long enough to get all of their planned add-ons, but that's impossible to know for sure without playing the game. E: D is the kind of space exploration game that hasn't existed since Frontier. If they can implement all of their other planned features, like being able to fly in a planet's atmosphere and land on them, this ought to be a "flagship" title for PC gaming and especially for peripherals like joysticks and throttles. I've spent over 200 bucks buying a joystick and throttle in anticipation of Star Citizen and E: D. SC left me lukewarm while E: D is delivering on all my expectations. It's For Real.
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Red blood, white skin, blue collar
Dec 17, 2012
Under the Gods
Codex 2013 Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Right now I'm living, breathing, and eating Elite because of this Beta. It's not going to be for everybody, but the combat mechanics as they're implemented are really fun and feel right.

My recommendation is to purchase the Beta if you think that you'll stick with the game long enough to get all of their planned add-ons, but that's impossible to know for sure without playing the game. E: D is the kind of space exploration game that hasn't existed since Frontier. If they can implement all of their other planned features, like being able to fly in a planet's atmosphere and land on them, this ought to be a "flagship" title for PC gaming and especially for peripherals like joysticks and throttles. I've spent over 200 bucks buying a joystick and throttle in anticipation of Star Citizen and E: D. SC left me lukewarm while E: D is delivering on all my expectations. It's For Real.

I've always loved the ideas of playing these space sims, never really bit the bullet. Played Freespace back in the day, loved that, played Eve for a while, enjoyed that, played a little bit of I-War 2 last couple of days, loving it, even though it's pretty goddamn hard. Also bought Evochron Mercenary and really enjoying it, even though that game seems pretty limited.

I got one of those cheap Thrustmaster T Flight Hotas sticks, does the job in these games, but kinda lacking on buttons. Definitely a lot more fun to play with a joystick than with a gamepad which is what I was doing at first.

Might just bite the bullet and buy this game.


Dec 1, 2013
Land of Bier and Bratwurst
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Might just bite the bullet and buy this game.
I won't before they implement the more important things they promised, the procedural generated planets, the faction dynamics generating a politically and economically dynamic universe, etc.
Kickstarter and early access can kiss my ass, I'm done with that shit (even though I don't regret pledging for D:OS). Evil publishers ftw!


Jul 24, 2006
I've always loved the ideas of playing these space sims, never really bit the bullet. Played Freespace back in the day, loved that, played Eve for a while, enjoyed that, played a little bit of I-War 2 last couple of days, loving it, even though it's pretty goddamn hard. Also bought Evochron Mercenary and really enjoying it, even though that game seems pretty limited.

I got one of those cheap Thrustmaster T Flight Hotas sticks, does the job in these games, but kinda lacking on buttons. Definitely a lot more fun to play with a joystick than with a gamepad which is what I was doing at first.

Might just bite the bullet and buy this game.

If your previous experience was just Freespace then I'd hold off on the Beta. The primary appeal of Elite Dangerous is the exploration aspect, and while combat is great it's not likely to be the core part of gameplay for a lot of people. Right now the exploration just isn't implemented so it's all combat. I also understand that trade was rebalanced, so what I said before about profit margins is apparently no longer applicable. Apparently the Hauler has just enough cargo space to turn a decent profit while getting you lots of docking practice.

Keep playing IW2. It's really fun to play and the Newtonian flight model will get good practice for the Newtonian elements in Elite.

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