Is Krai Mira worth playing?
I think so. It didn't have any systems I thought were bad, the story was okay, and the gameplay was decent. If you actually like rpgs and aren't some console retard that loves child games it is worth buying and playing.
You’re the only person I’ve ever seen recommend Krai Mira and your recommendation here is pretty tepid.
It is an okay crpg. It is way better than all non-rpgs, all console games, and all jrpgs (redundant since I already listed console games). It isn't going to blow anyone's mind, but real rpg fans have no backlog and this game is a decent purchase. I don't regret it and enjoyed my time playing it far more than I did playing console filth like the Witchers or whatever shit this community jerks off over. But again, I am coming from an rpg perspective and not a general gaming perspective or the perspective of a retarded child.
It has decent chardev, decent combat, okay story, you build shit, do quests, kill shit, advance, rinse, repeat, all in a much better than non-rpg game way. Its cheap, has a decent length, and ass an added bonus disgusts the retards that run the narrative here and their Pyre, Pokeman, and console game sensibilities. It isn't pretty, but games don't have to be to be worth playing.