Considering that 99.9% of the time it's the AI that's playing China, the problem is with the China.
Not exactly. Putting the blame on gameplay would imply, that game needed been dumbed down not only for average player, but for AI also. So I really don't like how it sound.
But putting the blame on AI, would only imply that it need some crutch, like reducing disadvantages of Inward Perfection for him, until Pradox can make it smarter.
Ideally, China should be able to defend itself, until ruling dynasty holds Mandate of Heaven.
Also only now I notice, that Bureaucrats faction gives bonuses to heir appearance chance. Looks like Paradox being very Paradox in order to upgrade Bureaucrats, which now are very situational. I am not sure, that any country outside Europe could have heir problem, but China definitely shouldn't and must have bonuses like muslims regardless of the current faction. Well, maybe in EU 6 Pardox actually creates Chines Factions, that would make sense.
Protestant Reformation finally happened, though it really isn't effecting the four Catholic nations that much.
Out of curious, on which date it was?