What seems dubious, weird or bad:
- 1444 start date, why?
- Cores seem to have been cheapened as a concept somewhat.
- Religion mechanics still seem simplistic. No religious minorities? No real choice between religious unity vs religious plurality? Cardinals being a matter of click-clackery and hoping the guy goes into the Curia while he's supporting you?

- COurthouses increase manpower? Why they don't say in description?
- Battles seem way more lethal in general, I'm seeing entire losing armies getting casually mowed down like nothing.
- FFS I swear alliances are useless. All my alliances got me into pointless wars were my light ships were shot down and my provinces attacked, often during other military operations. They never want to help me with my attacks.
- Its just me or playing as Portugal I never have enough cogs to transport my whole army at once, without utterly crippling my navy? This is hugely annoying. Land limit is 21, naval is 36.
- My army sometimes flees through ridiculous routes, like losing a battle in Leon and my troops running to Algarve. STOP RUNNING, DAMNIT!
- AI still gets super-generals while I am always stuck with shit leaders, even through difficulty is normal and its supposed to have no bonus. What the hell.
- Troops take FOREVER for morale to reach max.
- Swear I keep getting raped by the dice during fights...
- I find the idea of some countries having National Ideas and others not ridiculous. Seriously, Paradox.
- Why the fuck North Africa is still considered "Overseas Province" to southern Europe? I'm playing Portugal ffs, does the gold falls off during passage or what? Tangiers is not overseas, Brazil and Congo are overseas ffs.