Hm, finished gaem, got mixed feelings. Did all there was to do, found everything there was to be found, including El Dorado and the fountain of youth, smashed all opposition with extreme prejudice, clocked 20 hours total.
I counted a whole total of three challenging fights in the whole game. Three. And two were only challenging because of overwhelming enemy forces.
These battles were: 1. Defending the governor's mansion in Hispaniola, 2. Defending your fortress, 3. Killing Moctezuma.
The fight against Moctezuma was something that SHOULD have been present throughout the whole goddamn game - you have 9 enemies who are made up of different types and ranks, sneaky spike traps all around, no set up time to spam ubercannon, it was all in all pretty neat. The two defensive battles need a lot of planning and positioning to get through successfully, and are satisfying as hell once you get through them without losses.
Now if only the same could be said about all the other fights in the rest of the friggin game, which were so ridiculously easy (all difficulty sliders maxed) and mostly boring it made me raeg. This was due to two biggest factors:
1. My entire expedition has maxed out levels and gear. AND YET I KEEP FIGHTING ALL THOSE RECRUITS AND MEN AT ARMS WTF, veterans+ only start popping up in the very last set pieces when storming the Tenochtitlan. I'm sure my 15% crit chances dudes with 65% damage reduction are gonna be very fucking offended by your silly arrows, mr recruit trapper.
2. Absolutely braindead AI. Well ok, maybe not absolutely, but it can't for shit handle its assets and skills. I've had sergeant aztec champions repeatedly shoot me with blowdarts, shamen cursing my doctor, trappers parking themselves 2 steps away from my heavy hitters, WTF. Also, it has absolutely no sense of manoevuring. I found out that the most important part in combat is basically to tie up as many enemies as possible, especially archers and shamen, to not let them shoop/run around and heal dudes. This can be easily achieved with some sneaking around and stunning. Meanwhile, the injuns have sneak on every damn warrior, and they ONLY use it to do flanking, never to get past your dudes and chop up the juicy hunter and doctor or whatever. Also, battle difficulty was easily measured before it started just by counting the number of enemy trappers - the AI can't handle archers for shit, they are total deadweight in its hands. It also has trouble focusing fire at times or spotting key threats. In some other fights that have multiple rooms or sections, it also can't understand how important it is to group up. When you start the battle and see '12 enemies remaining', it looks a bit menacing, but when in practice it boils down to clearing out three rooms of 4 dudes because lol why regroup, it's just pathetic.
Also, I wish I could do something with that 2.5k spare xp that I had at the end of the game. And I wish character/gear progression wasn't so shit in general.
Also2, I was kinda disappointed at the ending. I keep aiding both sides, Xalapa and Tenochtitlan, in the hope to weaken them both, then storm the Aztecs who are better warriors, hoping the pussy-ass Xalapa dudes will yield easily once the deed is done, only to learn that "my garrison is not big enough" to take Tenochtitlan for Spain? Well, if only that thing wasn't completely arbitrary and I had some ways of increasing the garrison amirite.
Also3, the story of the previous expedition comes into an end very abruptly and I think it's not really closed. I hoped there would be more stuff to it, including rebels or something because everything pointed to that.
But all in all, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have fun with this game, although most of it came from riding around horseback
killing things exploring the damn jungles, although THE FUCKING CAMERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
So yeah, all in all it was addictive as all shit and had that "just one more turn" syndrome, but had some really annoying flaws that kept it away from greatness and made it more of a hiking simulator than a tacticool rpg. Solid 7.5 from the venerable Hobo Roxorowski
I can't see myself replaying this anytime soon, though. I cringe at the thought of slogging through all those trash mobs and horrible cameras again, and I don't think there's that much replay potential in it, unless you do something mofo and go full doctor expedition.