I appreciate the advice, but I'm not particularly keen to change it.
Regarding "Apocrypha," it violates one of the core pillars of the game, which is avoiding the use of Greco-Latin-French words. I'm not really sure it ties to the themes, either.
The "Fallen" in Fallen Gods covers two important concepts -- the physical fall of some of the Ormfolk from the Cloudlands to the earth below, and the Christian concept of the gods being morally "fallen" (either in the sense of humanity's own fall, or Satan's fall). Orm ("snake") is a blend of Odin, Satan, and Prometheus (with a dash of Zeus, I suppose), so he is tied to the concept of the fall, too, in that regard. "Fall" also has an autumnal sense -- death, decay, shorter days, and so forth. And of course while neither Ragnarok, Ragnarokkr, nor Gotterdamerung means "Fall of the Gods," in a sense there is a harmony among those, too. Fallen Gods is not actually about the ultimate fall of the Ormfolk -- that day is still to come, perhaps even still far off, no matter how you play the game.
Incidentally, this isn't to say that people are wrong about not liking the title -- of course they're right. But I don't think I'll be changing it. Part of the pleasure of making this game is being able to indulge my whims, and one of them is that I like a certain clarity and simplicity, as I said. "Primordia" certainly is a beloved title, but to be honest it's not the kind of title I'd probably settle upon left to myself -- it took a fair amount of massaging to give the name resonance with the game's themes. As best I can tell, Vic just seized upon it in an epiphany that may or may not have been tied to recreational mycology.
Still, I'm not dead set against changing it, just not disposed to absent some idea that really catches me.