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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]

May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
I finally realized something that has been bugging me about these screens - the UI. It's. ..bland. I recognize the one in 3/NV at a glance, since it's made to look like scannings on the pipboy. This one looks like a placeholder.

Tom Selleck

May 6, 2013
Hello, I am finding myself interested in buying and playing this game. What are some Clockwork-orange style re-educations that I can expose myself to in order to correct my way of thinking and fix myself?


Jul 16, 2009
Hello, I am finding myself interested in buying and playing this game. What are some Clockwork-orange style re-educations that I can expose myself to in order to correct my way of thinking and fix myself?


Apr 5, 2015
Hello, I am finding myself interested in buying and playing this game. What are some Clockwork-orange style re-educations that I can expose myself to in order to correct my way of thinking and fix myself?

You can't educate yourself to have a taste.

Zep Zepo

Titties and Beer
Dumbfuck Repressed Homosexual
Mar 23, 2013
Evry tim u ply fagout 4, God kills a kittah.

I ply it thn ovr an ovr.

die Kittah, Die!

fagout 4 4 eva!



Hello, I am finding myself interested in buying and playing this game. What are some Clockwork-orange style re-educations that I can expose myself to in order to correct my way of thinking and fix myself?

Try waxing your moustache in the meantime :D!


May 9, 2014
Heh, I just got it. You find a male dog at a place called Red Rocket.

Fallout 4: For zoophiles, by zoophiles.


Mar 20, 2010
Yiffing in Hell
OMFG!!!! Ok everybody calm down and repeat after me The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon, The Underrail is out soon......................


"And so it begins..."

Styg, please do not release around 10th of November
Because you know what else releases around that time and probably every Underrail fan will want to tear themselves in two to play both games simultaneously if you do release it.

So it's best(for us, less radiation doses) to either release it before ~3rd of November or later than ~17th of November, please spare our poor souls.

Oh come on..Seriously I love Fallout 1/2, Wasteland 2 and Underrail as much the next guy but I also really love Fallout 3/New Vegas. So yeah if it comes out November 10th im not gonna play it and its gonna largley be ignored. Possibley more so by the press which is essential to getting this game more views. Doesnt mean I wont play the finished version eventually but that will be a long time from now.

As much as I like Underrail and want it to succeed its also a deeply flawed game. Old-school/hardcore is very diffirent from really poor mechanics and design choices. But yeha please release later and maybe with that time Styg can actually fix some fo the GLARING issues with the game.

At this point, Bethesda's guardian is activated and he doesn't stop laying the smackdown -

I actually doubt that, the way I see it form the changes they made this will probably be the harder of the 3d fallout games. Were goign to be seeing larger scale battles/levels/encounters then we have sene even in Skyrim. Lets not also forget deathclaws are bassically mini bosses by now. I dont want to sound like some rabid fanboi who will defend the game to death (altho I do love my fallout as it is my favorite sereis) dont judge Bethesda becuase of their shallower games.

Lol you guys need to chill...You havent played it yet and are going off leaks? There are 6 difficulties and a hardcore mode. Why does everything have to be hardcore too? Why should a game kick my ♥♥♥ so I can FEEL THE CHALLENGE! Like honestly I love challenging games like metro 2033 on ranger hardcore or STALKER but sometimes I enjoy games like bioshock infinite.

The point if any of you want to bother to understand unless your part of a small minority that hates Bethesda most people are gonna ignore the game on luanch. The game has barely any visibility as is and releasing on the day of the most anticipated game of the year isn't a wise
Business decision.

That doesnt make sense tho? FO3/FNV are at its best on PC and has a fair amount of strong RPG elements...Like honestly just becuase its an FPSRPG doesnt make it less of an RPG just becuase the camera angle is diffirent. I know im coming off as a fanboy and its really personal preferance but I cant stand idly by and let people make false statements and ♥♥♥♥ all over a genre they have no intrest in instead of simply stating they lack intrest in it.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Petey boy couldnt have it better; unlike recent meltdowns (witcher 3) over downgraded graphics hIs retarded fanbois are actually doing the PR for him by saying how such a deep game is not about graphics but gameplay
I gloat over the EAs fuckups and Ubi's broken games getting hate but this is simply too much....

a Goat

Dumbfuck Edgy Vatnik
Jun 15, 2014
The combat is where you spend most of the time in game, combat makes or brakes the game. That's why Fallout 4 will be good because it's an enhanced fallout 3. Look at twitcher 3, the combat is horrible, even though the story is good i couldn't get myself to play it because of the shit combat.
The problem is in the cargo cult of their combat system.

At this point they would be better off copying STALKER right away, as in making FPS with equipment system because what we're getting looks like Borderlands, and borderlands was horrible with all those bullet-sponges.

Twitcher 3 just does what the second did, but a little bit better. Still shit game.
So Planescape Torment is a bad game because it has a bad combat system. Ok.
Yes. Planescape is bad game, I don't know why it gets so much cred on codex.


May 19, 2005
You know, its funny as FO2 innovated and changed things a lot, FO3 was playing safe to the point it was incoherent with NV trying to again innovate with the limited time and forced engine on them it did quite well all things considering.

FO4 seems to be the same as FO3 by simply using some ideas from NV and, more importantly, Skyrim ... it treads on its predecessors without straying from the path and also doesnt try to add anything new, also I like to know what the hell is going on with Emil Pagliarulo and his apparently insistence of family issues ... I mean, FO3 had that moronic "Fallout III, The Search for Father" as Fallout 4 seems to be exactly the same, I mean Jesus ...

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