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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
You know, its funny as FO2 innovated and changed things a lot,
Wat, fallout 2 was the same as fallout 1 with some slight mechanic improvements.

FO3 was playing safe to the point it was incoherent with NV trying to again innovate with the limited time and forced engine on them it did quite well all things considering.

FO4 seems to be the same as FO3 by simply using some ideas from NV and, more importantly, Skyrim ... it treads on its predecessors without straying from the path and also doesnt try to add anything new, also I like to know what the hell is going on with Emil Pagliarulo and his apparently insistence of family issues ... I mean, FO3 had that moronic "Fallout III, The Search for Father" as Fallout 4 seems to be exactly the same, I mean Jesus ...

Fans expect continuity of the series, that's why dark souls 1 2 3, fallout 1 2 play the same. That's why final fantasy 1-10 are mostly the same. That's why every next game by the same company of the same name is mostly the same with improvements of the previous one. You don't play fallout 4 expecting need for speed.

If someone tries hard enough he can even prove that fallout 2 was a rehash of fallout 1 because in fallout 2 you search for a geck, a suitcase and in fallout 1 you searched for a piece of metal, a water chip.
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Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
A good article about the F4 size

Comparing Fallout 4’s size to other games is difficult—many walk-throughs uploaded by players often take the longest route possible, or the speed is affected by the mode of transportation used. Walking—not runningthrough Skyrim, for example, takes over two hours The Witcher 3 also takes around two hours, but the game’s map is also segmented in a very different way. It seems difficult to judge whether or not Fallout 4 is “bigger” or “smaller” than other games...and maybe it doesn’t matter.

Consider the density at play here. The amount of time it takes to travel through a space has no bearing on how much you can actually DO within that area, or how much stuff is contained within that space. Notice, for example, that there’s a segment of the video where the player discovers three different areas within 15 seconds. Who knows what those areas contain, or the number of buildings you can explore? What is the quality of the stuff contained within those spaces, anyway? In an interview withGame informer, Bethesda says it used a task force that balanced how much a player can interact with and do in Fallout 4, with the hopes of hitting a sweet-spot of not too busy, and not too empty. In that same write-up, Game Informer says that Fallout 4 is Bethesda’s most “vertical” than any game they’ve released before. So, that’s all worth keeping in mind here.


Apr 18, 2015
also I like to know what the hell is going on with Emil Pagliarulo and his apparently insistence of family issues ... I mean, FO3 had that moronic "Fallout III, The Search for Father" as Fallout 4 seems to be exactly the same, I mean Jesus ...



Apr 18, 2008
You are a mutt.

:lol: :lol:

I want to be a mutt.

Speaking of which:


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Aug 23, 2015
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Is it really the main quest something about finding your kid or wife(confirmed?)? That's dumb. I mean, what if I don't give a shit and waste my time doing stupid subquests? Yeah, I know he is probably kidnapped by some evil organization, not by wasteland pedophiles or cannibals, and I'm sure then you'll discover he is safe there and some amazing revelation about blablabla, but come one, this is a sandbox game. People spent their time doing stupid things, customizing their hair, etc. That's not the best genre for this plot.


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
They've kidnapped yoru kid. Time is of the essence and it is only thing you inquire people about.

Also take your time to dick around building settlements and exploring.

The only well done kidnapping Ive seen lately is in Hard West ,at least in the press build. And its a tutorial mission. "They've kidnapped your wife". Mission starts, mission ends, you found her.

Any game post 1965 that tried to make any plot with sense of urgency and melt it with exploration/semi-open word/game with sidequest failed miserably


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
Don't be silly, Naveen. The Fallout series has always primarily been about family, not about the player or the character he wants to make. Just look at the best game in the series! The player gets the privilege of following around Liam Neeson and trying to figure out what Liam Neeson wants. And in the end he gets to fulfill Liam Neeson's destiny!

I can't wait to see another movie game about a fictional family that is nothing like my real family, but is bland, inoffensive, and middle-of-the-road enough that I will be certain to care deeply about them all. My spear carrying gloves are washed and ready! Plus I will get to click on green guys and watch them explode over and over. And let's not forget sorting through hundreds of nearly identical pieces of equipment optimizing numbers and calculating value-to-weight ratios.


Apr 18, 2008
Don't be silly, Naveen. The Fallout series has always primarily been about family, not about the player or the character he wants to make. Just look at the best game in the series! The player gets the privilege of following around Liam Neeson and trying to figure out what Liam Neeson wants. And in the end he gets to fulfill Liam Neeson's destiny!

I can't wait to see another movie game about a fictional family that is nothing like my real family, but is bland, inoffensive, and middle-of-the-road enough that I will be certain to care deeply about them all. My spear carrying gloves are washed and ready! Plus I will get to click on green guys and watch them explode over and over. And let's not forget sorting through hundreds of nearly identical pieces of equipment optimizing numbers and calculating value-to-weight ratios.

Don't forget about wearing cool gear while playing the game:


Apr 18, 2008
That is just so fucking sad I need to bleach my eyes

It's Bethesda's fault they made the collector's edition so limited. This kid cried a whole box of tissues because he couldn't get one, but in the end he made his own.
Sad? I'd say inspiring.


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
It's Bethesda's fault they made the collector's edition so limited. This kid cried a whole box of tissues because he couldn't get one, but in the end he made his own.
Sad? I'd say inspiring.

Still sad he got so hyped by Todd to (1) want a collector edition (2) having to cry out a whole box because he didn't get one (3)and felt compelled to make one of those. This is Todd literally ruining childhoods.

It would be inspiring if that pipboy had "fuck you bethesda" written on it.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
The overwhelming stream of overhype, pictures of dank memes from 13 year olds and retards with intellect of 13 year olds is nauseous.

Doktor Best

Feb 2, 2015
The satisfying part of the story is that this custom made pip boy is of superior quality to the one you get in the collectors edition.


Mar 1, 2014
Copium Den
Is it really the main quest something about finding your kid or wife(confirmed?)? That's dumb. I mean, what if I don't give a shit and waste my time doing stupid subquests?
Brace yourself for Bethesda's classic writing:

You: "Hello good Sir, I am looking for my son. He is of average height, average build and looks distinctivly average!"
NPC: "Greetings [Error x001. Name 'Dipshit' not found in audiofiles] I know exactly who you mean. Please bring me the flesh of 10 molerats so I can tell you where he went.

I for one hope he turns out to be the big bad, purifying god's own country from all slightly mutated humans destroying the bloodline, and in your final confrontaion he will ask you: "Are you proud of me dad? I only wanted you to be proud... "

A) No? B) That's ma boy! X) I have to go. Y) Investigate

Bloody mess perk required to blow his head off. The end.


Oct 21, 2015
Replace A) with "You're still my son, and I love you, but I can't begin to tell you how dissapointed in you I am.".

And thus all comes full circle.

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