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Fallout 4 Pre-Release Discussion [GAME RELEASED, GO TO NEW THREAD]


Mar 1, 2013
North of Poland
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
BTW, not a single voice actor i could recognize, odd.
The female player character is voiced by Courtenay Taylor, who voiced Gloria van Graff and other NPC's in New Vegas.

The woman who asks if you would risk your life for a synth is Claudia Christian, who voiced Aela the Huntress and other NPC's in Skyrim.


Shitposter Bethestard
Sep 19, 2014
I noticed that too. With SPECIAL points being so easy to come by and skills having been removed, I think it makes a degree of sense. Part of me is glad they did it -- it's like someone tore my limbs off but at least had the decency to cauterize the wounds afterwards.

You do know that the same points that are used for special are used for perks also.


Apr 30, 2015
"Gaming Editor" of WhatCulture : stop complaining already, FallOut 4 is pure gold, just except it folks.

"Fallout 4 is already one of this generation’s greatest achievements, and it’s high-time everybody got on the same page recognising that."


Dont know if this is a clever joke or the guy was tripping on industrial strenght glue or something.

Imagine being paid to cast a critical eye over video games. That is literally your life's work. How the fuck can you justify this manchild fanboy excess? What the hell is this 'fuck you, got mine the game is great and I'm ignoring the criticisms NEENERNENR" attitude. You have no vested interest in Fallout 4's success! Have a little self-respect, you're not a 14 year old.


May 3, 2013
The originality in that trailer is off the motherfucking charts. "Save humanity from itself". :hmmm:

Other than that, it looks like the game will have a very similar structure to most AAA action games released recently. Fight big evil, do a bunch of inane shit on the side, good job.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Fuck it, i bought it. Why? Dat ass and porn mods, obviously.

bonescraper in a nutshell:


Oct 28, 2015
You do know that the same points that are used for special are used for perks also.

Yeah, that's my point. If they started you with 40 attribute points, you would have access to all the perks relevant to your build immediately and end up with perks to burn later on. With 28 points available, you have to decide what perks are most important to you immediately and then balance investing in those perks with raising your attributes to access others. It will be a little harder to end up with 10 in every attribute this way.


The female player character is voiced by Courtenay Taylor, who voiced Gloria van Graff and other NPC's in New Vegas.

The woman who asks if you would risk your life for a synth is Claudia Christian, who voiced Aela the Huntress and other NPC's in Skyrim.
Well, i haven't heard Jarl Derpgruf or their default old guy/lady, default black male/female and default children vocies, so that's a plus.

Also, i don't think New Vegas recycled any of Bethesda's god awful voice actors, so it doesn't count.


Aug 12, 2013
Would some kind soul mind to extract the pictures from the new launch trailer and post a couple of them here???
I am on phone with limited data for watching the video.

Not really hyped to be honest, but can't wait to play either.


I post news
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Jan 28, 2011
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Also, i don't think New Vegas recycled any of Bethesda's god awful voice actors, so it doesn't count.

Of course it did. They even fucked up and put generic Bethesda black male voice actor as the voice of General Oliver.


Would some kind soul mind to extract the pictures from the new launch trailer and post a couple of them here???
I am on phone with limited data for watching the video.

Not really hyped to be honest, but can't wait to play either.



May 19, 2005
Wat, fallout 2 was the same as fallout 1 with some slight mechanic improvements.

I mean in tone, for example in FO1 we had bottle caps as currency as in FO2 they used bank notes.

Mechanical wise it was the the same but overall things have changed in the world.

Fans expect continuity of the series, that's why dark souls 1 2 3, fallout 1 2 play the same. That's why final fantasy 1-10 are mostly the same. That's why every next game by the same company of the same name is mostly the same with improvements of the previous one. You don't play fallout 4 expecting need for speed.

Continuity doesnt mean stagnation, fans tend to resist change but without changes there is stagnation.

FO3 didnt really bring anything new or explored previous themes, it used the Enclaves in the most moronic way possible, it used Super muntants despite there not being any reason for them to even be there, it overused Vaults to the point I was half expecting Vault 2035.

And of the opposite of gameworld stagnation, we had changes from the mechanics ... "safe" nostalgic for the old fans and recognition for the people that never played the old ones with changes to appeal to a "wider" demographics.

In fact FO4 might not be Need for Speed but its certainly headed towards Generic Cinematographic Action Game blandness that is too simplistic in all approaches.

If someone tries hard enough he can even prove that fallout 2 was a rehash of fallout 1 because in fallout 2 you search for a geck, a suitcase and in fallout 1 you searched for a piece of metal, a water chip.

As I pointed out or I hope I did ... they are both save the town stories at the start but neither FO1 or FO2 are about saving the town, they go into different threats, save the town is the starting point but with entirely different starts.


Jun 17, 2012
Yeah, that's my point. If they started you with 40 attribute points, you would have access to all the perks relevant to your build immediately and end up with perks to burn later on. With 28 points available, you have to decide what perks are most important to you immediately and then balance investing in those perks with raising your attributes to access others. It will be a little harder to end up with 10 in every attribute this way.

There is no level cap, so it's just a matter of when you get all perks and all stats capped, not if.


Oct 28, 2015

"I have a question -- the only question that matters: would you risk your life for your fellow man, even if that man is a synth?"

Pretty sure that one kept Aristotle up at night too.

There is no level cap, so it's just a matter of when you get all perks and all stats capped, not if.

True, but depending on how they scale exp requirements at high levels, that may take more time than anyone without a lobotomy is willing to invest.

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