Give it up give it up give it up give it up give it up.
There's nothing to salvage here. There was nothing to salvage in FO3 - well other than combining it with the atleast more life-like FONV through TOTW.
FO4 is not even 2 years old and it has already reached the waifu phase of modding - where the vast majority of mods seem to be character cosmetic mods/dolled up followers. By comparison, Oblivion didn't enter that phase until sometime around the release of Skyrim - 5 years later? And there are still surges of landscape and UI mods from time to time.
Skyrim, 6 years later, not counting SE, is still not fully in the waifu phase.
Mods like Sim Settlements are good - but the settlers still use the Bethesda AI™. No mod has fixed survival mode; they've made some annoyances less apparent, but it needs a complete overhaul - NV survival wasn't that bad, and it was really simple. Bethesda weren't happy with it apparently and made additions, but hit their head on some doors repeatedly in the process.
Exteriors aren't interesting, partly because of the extremely boring encounters and again AI. Interiors use the same few templates and the only purpose of interiors is to gather more junk for the horrible settlement mode.
Story is shit. Mechanics are shit. Companions, though some start out better than others, ultimately become stuck records you want to turn into bullet pincushions - some quicker than others.