Tyler Wilde on PC Gamer confirms exactly, exactly, exactly what I was afraid of:
I don’t mind RPGs that cast me as a specific character, so long as I like guiding that character. Shepard was cool as hell. But I also like the blank slate approach, where my character is mine: dumb as a post, extremely charismatic, and fond of big guns. I can have all of those attributes in Fallout 4, but I’m constantly reminded that they’re just stats and abilities layered over this mild mannered woman who, just days ago in her mind, was sipping coffee in her suburban home. She’s nothing like the character I’m trying to play as, and on top of that, she makes no sense. Shepard and Geralt are interesting people who belong in their worlds, but this vault dweller ought to be called ‘Video Game’. She hardly shows any wonderment at her new surroundings, strolling up to a crafting station to fashion a new barrel for her gun like it’s nothing. Her baby was stolen from her, but she doesn’t sound mad about it at all. Thrown into this world she has no experience with and no understanding of, she’s bizarrely calm, regardless of my dialogue choices. She’s a bad, milquetoast character—too defined to be a blank slate, but without any personality traits I could describe.