Yo Pyke why don't you seriously hire this red 888 guns guy?
His 2D art is rivaled only by yours, together you could DOMINATE and rule. You could make a true artwork masterpiece of art 2D RPG!
You know it to be true. Get on it!
And yes, just fucking imagine if fallout 1+2 remake actually looked like those screens.
I would cream in my pants 4 days. It's simply breathtakingly good.
The guy is massively massively talented
Yo Pyke why don't you seriously hire this red 888 guns guy?
His 2D art is rivaled only by yours, together you could DOMINATE and rule. You could make a true artwork masterpiece of art 2D RPG!
You know it to be true. Get on it!And yes, just fucking imagine if fallout 1+2 remake actually looked like those screens.
I would cream in my pants 4 days. It's simply breathtakingly good.
The guy is massively massively talented
I'm poor! But if Desolation does well.... wishlist now! :D
Dionis, who took the lead to translate Nevada, is finally back. And this time, he wants to translate the mod Day 1. Unfortunately, he didn't want to take the lead. So, is there any of you decline-infested unwashed masses who're Russians and familiar with how to translate game's text of Fallout? Because I'm neither of those. The boys are going to need a lead, although even if we didn't get one just sharing workload to translate might work Day 1 as the author starts patching the game. Gather your swords, bows, and axes, bros, there's a war against decline that we need to win.Hello everyone, so the mod will be out soon and as far as I am aware there is no translation for this one yet, so I guess its up to us again.
Now I don't wish to lead the project, I made a lot of mistakes, said few things I shouldn't have to people working very hard on the project, I'm bad at working with the game's engine, and it was very stressful, with the result of moving myself from the translation entirely at the end because of the burn out.
I still love the developer team behind the mod and I'm sure it will be a nice addition to our classic Fallout games, so I want the rest of the world to experience the game like us Russian members of the community do.
It would be best we concentrate our efforts at one place, and start working on the translation asap. I hope all people from Nevada translation team come back, their experience is most valuable.
I will start translating day 1 the mod releases and that's all I want to do with this one, someone with good management skills and time should lead our efforts and get everyone and everything organized.
So lets do this people, if anyone is interested lets come together and give this mod a proper treatment.
- Нелинейный сюжет
- Около 100 квестов
- Новая карта мира: 12 крупных локаций, 7 небольших, 11 специальных встреч
- Высокая аутентичность локаций
- 1,9 Мб игрового текста (в первом Fallout было 1,7 Мб)
- Новая музыка
- Nonlinear story
- About 100 quests
- New world-map locations: 12 large, 7 small, 11 special encounters
- High authenticity of locations
- 1,9 Mb game text (Fallout 1 has 1,7 Mb)
- New music (From Alexey Trofimov aka Nobody's Nail Machine)
13 March:
Will be ready soon. Most likely during next week.
Version 1.0 (original) - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4Te2/xa3pW6hYh
Version 1.0 (original + hires + sfall) - https://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5868346
or https://yadi.sk/d/mMFMLVLQZZdZhw
If any of you guys want to help with English translation then you can start here:
If any of you guys want to help with English translation then you can start here:
я не говорю по русски
You speak по английский. Could proofread stuff.я не говорю по русски