Since the Long War Rebalance ModMod got MASSIVELY updated since the last time I played, I decided to give it another go.
After several hours with this new version, I feel like it deserves a new mention and mini-review.
Now, the author keeps tinkering with it - this hasn't changed - but a new baseline seems to have finally been found, and I have to say the result is
In short, this really seems like the "definitive" version of Long War, and it makes for a really solid strategic/tactical game all around.
Since the changes are massive and all-encompassing, not to mention painstakingly detailed in the mod's presentation (the nexus page I mean), I'll focus on a few points that deserve to be highlighted.
- There are now even more UI and QoL improvements. An incredible amount of them I mean. Basically every annoyance LW players (and we're talking long-hours players here) used to encounter seems to have been dealt with. Ordered lists, context-colored texts, auto-switches, you name it. A lot of stuff seems to have required hard-coding (or semi-hard at least). I didn't expect this level of UI refinement, after all this time too. Almost worth it by itself.
- Some of the biggest issues with the modmod have been addressed with a total rethinking of the general rebalancing approach. For instance (and most notably), Terror Missions got to be insane (even more insane than the LW ones) since the new (improved!) pod-activation system, introduced by this modmod, could not really be optimized for small maps. Terror Missions have to be ultra-challenging, which means lots of critters, which means increased chance for each of them to have summonable help nearby, and increased again when this is combined with small maps. Which basically used to mean total enemy activation on Turn 1 - or disasters of a similar scale. In the new version of the modmod it's terror missions that limit the number of soldiers, so the number of enemies could be scaled back accordingly.
- Meaningful options and hard choices everywhere. Everywhere! Multiple abductions sites are now a thing again (LW changed this to 1 single abduction mission, which also used to make the UI selection screen meaningless). You can even do all of them if you have the strenght and are able to work with the required flight times. More likely you'll have to pick 1 or 2 sites, basing the choice on the expected rewards (perhaps you really need those 2 extra engineers!) and/or the most pressing panic-management needs among the countries targeted for abduction.
- More meaningful options for the building queues too! Simultaneous production is limited by the number of workshops, so you'll definitely have to think about what you need to build FIRST. It seems grouping multiple copies of 1 item effectively lets you bypass the limit, but you still have to front more money and resources to produce things in bulk, and more often than not you won't be in a position to manage things that way.
- More meaningful options for the black market too. Market values fluctuate which means you could be tempted to sell something you were planning to keep, or that you'll be forced to wait in order not sell valuable for scraps.
- More meaningful options for soldiers builds, because honestly with the new changes I'm finding that all paths are interesting, I don't see obvious picks anymore, and the reworked trees, when you get into them, seem really solid and capable to define unique units. Most of this was achieved by cleverly moving skills around for the various classes, but several skills have been heavily reworked and/or created from scratch for the purpose.
- Changes at the tactical level abound as well. Perhaps the most important is the reworked overwatch mechanic: both x-com and aliens can now only overwatch if the enemy is in sight, and ONLY previously spotted enemies can be effected by it! Overwatch now basically means "keep that foe(s) in your crosshair and shoot if he moves". Now this might appear a bit controversial but the intent was to prevent stagnation and lousy abusive tactics, and after playing with it for several missions I've come to the conclusion that it changes the feel of the battle a lot, and for the better.
Ok, I'll stop now, I think this is enough to display the nature of the changes.
Gives this mod(mod) a try, it really makes for a fresh and worthy Long War experience.
Of course I'm "just" three months into this new campaign, so there's lots of things I haven't seen yet.